Chapter One - A Walk Home

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Virgil walked down the quiet, dark road as he did any other Thursday. It was a cold winter night, one that he desperately wanted to get out of. He hated walking back home after dark, especially since it was a 25 minute walk from his school to his apartment.

He dragged his feet along the damp pavement as his mind wandered to random thoughts. They were his usual paranoid thoughts, such as being ran over, stabbed and robbed, or being followed home by some creep.

Unfortunately for him, that last thought was very persistant as he made his way home. He always felt another presence with him when he walked home, even though there was normally nobody else walking near him. He'd hear footsteps that weren't his own, and made a habit to make random stops just to see if those footsteps would continue walking. He'd hear them sometimes, but with no person around to attach them to, he always chalked it up to his paranoia.

Virgil sighed as he checked his phone. 10:45PM. He had 5 more minutes until he'd finally be at his warm apartment, and out of the eery silent road.

On this particular night, Virgil felt more paranoid than usual. He had looked around several times as he walked home, searching for that presence he so strongly felt eyeing him down. He couldn't shake off this feeling, and it irked him. He knew someone had to be following him. He knew he had a habit of magnifying hypotheticals like this, but he kept thinking to himself that it couldn't have just been in his head. It felt too real.

After finally reaching his apartment building, he turned around one last time. He stepped back out towards the road, facing the trees and bushes as he examined every potential hiding spot.
He flipped off the sky, at nothing in particular, hoping whatever or whoever was following him got the message: he knew that they were there.

After making a fool of himelf, Virgil sighed and turned around to walk to the enterance of his apartment. He trudged down the hallway and up to his doorstep on the first floor. He flipped through his keys until he found the correct one, and let himself in.

"Fuck." He sighed to himself, throwing his bag and keys down on the counter. He rubbed his face in exhaustion as he headed straight to his room. He never ate after getting home from his night classes, which he always regretted in the morning. The walk home always left him tired and annoyed, both mentally and physically.

He heard a faint meow as he entered his room. Upon entering it he was greeted with his black cat, Storm, curled up on his bed. He carefully maneuvered around her, trying not to wake her up as he got ready for bed. He changed, took off his makeup, and crawled into bed. As he got comfortable he realized that he had left his window creaked open, but after getting under the covers he felt too lazy to get up and close it.

Virgil's overthinking persisted as he tried to fall asleep. He continued to feel those eyes on him, examining him like some kind of specimen. He hated it. He knew there was nothing he could do to stop that feeling and it pissed him off.

He sighed in frustration after trying to sleep for a while, and decided to scroll through his social media to try and distract himself. As he opened his phone he finally decided to check his notifications, which weren't many.

Pawpa_Pal: Hey kiddo! Just wondering if you'd be able to cover my shift tomorrow night? if not its no worries!!!

XxThomasxX liked your post!

Roman_Garcia01 liked your post!

Virgil sighed as he opened up Patton's text and accepted the shift. He played some of his music as he mindlessly scrolled through Instagram. Selfishly, he kept checking his story to see who had viewed it, looking for a certain name. He scrolled down the list of people.
The last name satisfied his curiosity.

Virgil never talked to Roman, but he saw him at school often, as he had a class in the room next to Virgil's. He found Roman attractive, and intruiging, but he was never the type to make the first move. He'd sneak glances his way whenever they walked past each other, but even that was a bold move for him. He never imagined that he'd talk to Roman, mainly because he'd rather not embarrass himself or say something stupid that he'd regret. He always just kind of hoped that Roman would engage, but he never did. Virge just assumed that it meant Roman wasn't into him. He caught a glance at his backpack once and saw a pride pin, so he knew sexuality wasn't the issue. He figured he just wasn't attractive, or just not Roman's type.

After an hour or so, Virgil began growing tired. He shut off his phone and turned off his lights, finally preparing for bed. He still had the feeling of being watched, but at that point his fatigue had grown stronger than his paranoia. He finally laid his head down, and almost immediately he was out like a light.



Virgil groaned as he tossed and turned in bed. "Be quiet, Storm."


Virgil sighed as he sat up in bed. "Hungry?" He asked, to which Storm hopped off the bed and darted to her food bowl. "Figures."

Virgil rubbed the sleep from his eyes as he checked the time.
He sighed as he pushed himself up and off the bed, making his way over to Storm. "I shouldn't even use my alarm anymore, now that I've got you." He joked, popping open the food can and preparing Storms food. When he was done, he made his way to the bathroom to draw a shower and get ready for the day.

After brushing his teeth and washing his face, he sat down to do his makeup. He didn't feel watched the way he did last night, much to his relief. He threw on his usual black eyeshadow and foundation, setting it all with powder before heading off to grab breakfast. He was running late to his class, so he just grabbed a coffee on the way to the campus.

As he spotted a certain someone while approaching the campus, he suddenly felt grateful that he'd shown up late. He looked over at Roman, who was sat at a bench typing away at his laptop. He had the familiar urge to stop and say something, but as usual, he ignored it. He walked past him, feeling his heart beat faster as it always did.

He set off for his morning class when he suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder.

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