Chapter Three - Virgil's journal, entry 1

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February 7th, 2024

Hey, Journal. I've decided to start writing down my thoughts and feelings, and how my days been going, I guess. I figured if I don't have anyone to confide in, I can at least vent to you. I mean, you're a journal, you can't judge me or even understand me. It's a match made in heaven, really.

Anyway, I've been super paranoid lately. Everyday I walk to my college, or work, or when I'm walking home, I can't help but feel watched. Even now, in my room, I feel like I'm being observed by something, or someone. It doesn't matter what I do, I can't shake off the feeling. I've been feeling this way since a few months ago, and lately it's been driving me crazy. I can't stand this feeling, I fucking hate feeling this way. I feel like I'm some weird specimen under a microscope. Maybe I'm just paranoid, or maybe I have a stalker. I don't know. But I wish it would all just stop.

Whatever. It's probably just a weird phase I'm going through. Hopefully by next year I'll be done with all this.

I have a party to go to tonight. I don't really want to go, but there's gonna be weed, so that'll help me get through it. I'm honestly only really going because it would help Patton out with his "special someone"...whatever the hell that means.
I don't know what I'm gonna wear tonight, but I'll figure it out. It'll probably just be my usual hoodie and jeans, honestly.

Anyway, bye for now. I'll try to write here every week or so, depending on how often I need to vent. Thanks for listening, little book. Can't wait to burn you once I fill out all your pages :)

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