Chapter Five - Nightmare?

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Virgil felt restless as he tried to fall asleep. Something He didn't know what, but he felt uneasy, like he shouldn't let his guard down. He sat up on the bed, unable to fall asleep. He rubbed his eyes with his hands, trying to shake off the bad feeling that kept shouting at him to leave. He looked around the room, examining all the unfamiliar decorations and furniture. He rubbed his temples as he focused on the sounds of his breathing, desperate to ground himself. As he scanned the room, he could feel that familiar feeling, stronger than ever.
The piercing gaze of whatever was around him made him shutter, his breath quickening as he began to panic. Scanning the room once again, he couldn't help but feel a sharp gaze in the corner.

As he turned around to look, he saw-
"Virgil? It's 3 in the afternoon, are you alright?"
Roman said with a concerned look on his face.

Virgil furrowed his brows. He shook his head in confusion, his gaze darting back to the dark corner from last night, only to find a sun-lit wall behind him.

"The wall..." Virgil said, feeling panic rush over him again. Roman sat down on the bed next to Virgil.

"Hey, are you okay? What about the wall?"

"He probably just had a nightmare." Logan dismissed, sitting at the dining table with a cup of coffee in hand.

Virgil rubbed his face, trying to decipher what the hell just happened.

"Was that it? You had a nightmare?" Roman asked.

"I...I guess so." Virgil said, still dazed and confused from his lack of sleep.

Roman sighed as he stood up. "Sorry to hear that, Virge. Maybe some coffee or food will help?" Roman offered, already walking to the kitchen.

"I should uh.. I should probably get going." Virgil said, "I need to get home to my cat, I haven't fed her since last night."

"Oh, okay." Roman said. "I'll give you a ride."

After Virgil got changed into his former outfit, he followed Roman to his car and plonked down with a sigh.

"That didn't feel like a nightmare." He said, suddenly.

Roman raised a brow at this, "What do you mean? What happened?" He asked as he turned on the ignition.

"I felt so real. It was right there. And then I was just. I can't make sense of it. It was like my brain erased a chunk of my memory." Virgil blabbed on, his breath quick and shallow. Roman took notice of his unease.

"Well...maybe it was just sleep paralysis? I know Logan gets that sometimes, it can really fuck up your sleep, from what I've heard." Roman rationalized. "What did you see?"

Virgil sighed, rubbing his temples. "I don't know what I saw. It was too dark to fully make it out. All I saw for certain though was these bright eyes just...just staring at me. Watching me. And then, next thing I know you're waking me up. I don't know, maybe you're right. Maybe it was just a nightmare." Virgil shook his head.

"Hey, look at me." Roman said, meeting his gaze with Virgil's. "I'm here, I'm real. You're here, not in that nightmare anymore, okay? You're okay, you're safe. Nothings gonna hurt you, I promise. Try to slow down your breathing, okay? Just focus on that." Roman said, trying his best to calm Virgil down.

"Okay. I'm sorry Roman, I didn't mean to freak you out." Virgil said, taking deep breaths as he gazed down at his hands.

"Don't be sorry Virge, we all have those nights." He said, pulling out of the driveway and turning out into the road.

"This is me." Virgil said as Roman pulled up to the apartment complex.

"Alright. You sure you're okay?" Roman asked.

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