Chapter Four - Jan's Party

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Virgil was sitting at his desk, scrolling through his phone as he usually did. Storm sat in his lap, purring as Virgil pet her with his free hand. He was just about to reblog a dumb Tumblr post when his phone suddenly rang.

Shit, the party, Virgil thought.

Virgil sighed as he picked up his phone.

"Hi Virgil!!! Ready to head out, kiddo?" A chirpy voice boomed through his phone, making Virgil distance it from his ear for a second. "Yeah, I guess. When should we start heading over?"

"Oh, the party technically already started," Patton explained, "I just didn't wanna show up too early. Anyway, text me your address, I'll see you in a bit!" Patton said, hanging up before Virgil could respond.

"Alright, Storm, I've gotta head out soon." He sighed, gently picking her up and placing her on the floor. He trudged over to his mirror and fixed his hair. "This outfit should do fine." He said to himself, examining his appearance. "It's not like I have much time to change anyway."

Virgil pulled out his phone and texted Patton the address before plonking down in his chair next to his vanity. He quickly threw on his usual makeup, and had just enough time to finish before Patton had texted him that he had arrived.

"Okay, Storm, you be good while I'm gone." He said as he grabbed his keys. "I'll be back soon, promise." He made his way out the door and locked it before shoving his hands in his pockets. He made his way outside and found Patton's Jeep out on the street. he quickly walked over and hopped in. "Hey Virgil! You excited for the party?" He greeted with his usual wide grin. "Not particularly." Virgil stated, already feeling anxious. "Aw, cheer up bud! This'll be a great opportunity to mingle and meet some new people! Who knows, maybe you'll even meet someone special tonight." Patton winked as he elbowed Virgil, who rolled his eyes in reply. "I doubt it. I'm just looking forward to getting plastered." He joked.

Patton quickly typed in Jan's address before driving off. "Go ahead and play whatever you want on the aux, kiddo!" Patton offered, keeping his eyes on the road. "If you insist." Virgil replied. He typed in "Wait So Long" by Trampled By Turtles and pressed play. It wasn't always his go-to type of music, but he didn't wanna scare Patton with his 'demonic' music taste.

Patton hummed along to the song and tapped the steering wheel to the rythme as they continued down the dimly lit road. Virgil found himself nodding along to it as well.

"Hey, Virge?" Patton spoke up suddenly.
"How come you're always so silent and closed off? I feel like this is the most we've talked since we became coworkers. Not that it's a bad thing or anything!" Patton rambled, making Virgil laugh lightly. "I don't know, I think I'm an introverted person. I'm also bad at holding up a conversation; I always run out of things to say, you know?" Virgil explained.
Patton smiled at this, "I feel like I'm the opposite. Once I start talking, I find it hard to stop. It feels like my brains moving faster than I can speak, and I end up word-vomiting until the other person walks away or interrupts me." Patton said. Virgil hummed in response. He noticed that about Patton, but he never thought about why he always talked so much.
"That's pretty ideal, don't you think? One person can't conversate, and the other can conversate enough for the both of them." Virgil said thoughtfully.
Patton laughed at this. "Yeah, I guess so. We should really hang out more! If you want to that is." He offered as they pulled up to Jan's house, which was surrounded by cars."Well, we're here!" Patton exclaimed, hopping out of the car. Virgil followed shortly after, feeling the anxiety welling up in his chest.

"By the way, who's that special someone you were talking about?" Virgil asked teasingly, trying to take his mind off of his anxiety. Patton blushed slightly and smiled. "Logan Williams. Do you know him?" Patton asked. "Hardly. I've heard the name somewhere but I can't attach a face to it. Do you?" Virgil asked.
"I'd like to! Hopefully I'll run into him tonight, or at least say hi." Patton said awkardly as they walked up to the door, which was already open. Music flowed out of it, along with a strong smell of booze and weed. Virgil sighed as he made his way inside and immediately scanned the room for weed. He found a bong and some weed sitting at a table and sighed. "You gonna be okay by yourself? I'm thinking about smoking a little." Virgil said. "I'll be fine, don't worry! I'm gonna see if I can find some food." Patton grinned as he walked off. Virgil went over and sat down next to the bong, smoking a few bowls before leaning back onto the couch and letting the vibrations of the music fill his head.
A few minutes later the weed started kicking in, and everything felt warm and fuzzy. Suddenly his anxiety was tolerable, and his breathing slowed down a bit. He began mumbling the lyrics to the song from earlier, quiet enough to where it got drowned out by the speakers.

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