what about branch?

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clay's pov:

"we'll worry about him later. but for n-" john said hurriedly before poppy cut him off.

"i'm not entering that bunker until i know my boyfriend is safe!!" she announced, tears pricking at her eyes.

j.d looked at her pleadingly, but she refused to change her mind.

"but poppy.." john began.

floyd spoke up. "no, john. i agree with poppy. no troll left behind, right?"

"i've already lost one brother. i'm not going to lose another!.. come on floyd." john pleaded tensely.

"YOU HAVEN'T LOST BRANCH!!! you..- not yet.." tears were now streaming down floyd's face. he attempted to cover them up but it was really no use.

we all went silent.

there really wasn't much to be said. poppy was now crying, too.

a huge lump grew in my throat.

we're wasting time.

velvet and veneer will be here any minute.


i shook my head. branch is alive.. i..

now i was crying. john and bruce were holding it in, but i could tell they wanted to cry too.

"fine." john said finally.

each one of our heads raised in interest as john spoke once more.

he sighed. "we'll stay out here until velvet and veneer come."

floyd jumped up and hugged john dory. he was still crying, but yet there was a huge smile plastered on his face.

"thank you." floyd managed to sniffle out despite all his tears.

john seemed surprised for a moment, but he immediately grew acceptant of the hug, hugging floyd back tightly. now he was crying too. and that got bruce to cry. we were all crying. some tears were happy, some were sad.

john motioned for us all to bring it in. so, all of us huddled together for a giant hug.

sometimes i really hate this family. but i've got to be honest. they give the best hugs ever.

branch's pov:

velvet swiped me out of her pocket, an angry expression on her face.

"are we almost there? it's been hours." she complained.

i plastered a thoughtful expression on my face. "hmm. actually.. i don't think so! my bad. troll village must be that way." i giggled, pointing out a new random direction.

velvet quite literally turned completely red, you could have sworn steam was coming out her ears. "now.. now you tell us where this 'troll village' is right now!! or.."

she thought for a second before coming up with her answer. "or i'll kill you right now, right here!!"

veneer gasped. i, however, kept my cool.

"you wouldn't." i scoffed.

"oh yes i would." she immediately unscrewed the glass bottle, taking me out and squeezing me in her fist.

i'll admit, she was getting to me. being squeezed by someone a thousand times your size isn't that fun, believe it or not.

i finally gasped, as her hand gripped me tighter. "alright, alright!! i'll tell you."

her grasp didn't soften at all. "you've got five seconds befo-"

i cut her off, gasping frantically for air as i answered. "that way!! now let go!"

velvet smirked. uh oh.

"of course!" she said (way too happily).

i realized what she meant too late. she had already let go.

i was now plummeting down..



then everything went black.

3 hours later

i finally woke up. my head hurt like shit, and my whole body was aching. the sun was already setting.

jeez, how long had i been knocked out for?

i rubbed my head dizzily.

i hadn't told them the real location. just another random one. if i was going to die, i wasn't going to bring my family down with me.

but i didn't die.

i wish i had.

then all this pain would go away.

i sat there for a moment, thoughts swarming my head. eventually i built up the courage to grab my phone.

the screen was severely cracked, but the phone still worked.

i looked through my contacts.

5 people.


i immediately clicked on poppy, and began typing.

branch: popifer?

2 minutes later.

poppy: BRANCH?? where are you?? where are velvet and veneer!?

branch: i took care of them.

poppy: ???

branch: don't worry about it. i'm going to share my location. would you come get me, poppy?

poppy: of course branchifer. ❤️

i smiled, shutting off my phone.

i let out a loud sigh as i stumbled over to a log, resting on top. i kicked my feet around, that same smile still plastered on my face.

i love poppy.

my smile faltered, remembering that i hadn't talked to her in days. and that i'd been ignoring her for so long...

i'm such a bad boyfriend.

i'm such a bad brother.

i'm such a bad troll.

but before i could sink deeper into my thoughts any longer, rhonda pulled up right next to me. this was followed by each one of my brothers (and poppy) jumping out of the car(?) to come and hug me.

i squirmed under their touch. it felt like velvet grabbing ahold of me all over again.

everyone was chatting and talking to me, but it all just turned into a buzz. i blocked everyone out, returning to my own thoughts.

before i knew it, i was back in rhonda. still, everyone was speaking. everyone was happy. well, unless you count me.

i should have joined the conversation, told them about what happened. but i just couldn't bring myself to do it. instead i just sat their in a seat near the back.

nobody even tried to talk to me. not even floyd. i guess they were just too happy to realize.

agh- i hate feeling sorry for myself. but yet that's the only thing i seem to do right.

well, i'm great at worrying the fuck outta people, too.

hah. maybe if i killed myself i'd also be pretty funny.

silly little me.

i'm sorry for getting so dark. 😭. ig it's just how i'm feeling atm???

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