hes gone

273 8 17

branch's pov:

oh no.

i didn't have a chance to resist before doctors and nurses of all kinds came pushing me out of the room. i struggled against the crowd but it was all too much for me; and i got shoved out.

john dory seemed to have the same problem, because when the doors slammed shut it was only me and him in the hallway.

immediately i moved to press my ear against the door. the monitor was going on and off like crazy and everyone in there was chatting their heads off. i slid down against the door; tears springing at my eyes.

john dory immediately rushed to me, embracing me in a hug.

"shh he'll be fine." he whispered although he didn't sound convinced.

i could tell he was holding his own tears back. i rubbed at my eyes but nothing i could do would stop tears from falling down.

"he can't die." i whimpered and pounded my fist against the ground; a newfound anger replacing my sorrow.

"he won't. he.." john dory started before catching his words in his throat.

it was clear that he didn't believe himself. his words only made me feel worse.

i watched through tears as he picked up his phone. he slid his fingers towards the message app and rung the bro zone group chat.

bruce was the first to pick up the phone.

"what is it?" bruce yawned from the other side of the phone.

he must have just woken up.

before john dory could reply, clay joined the call as well. "is something wrong!?"

john dory took a deep breath; sneaking a sideways glance at me.

"it's floyd. i don't think he's going to be okay." john muttered slowly into the phone.

his words were followed by complete silence. unless you count the multiple voices in the room behind us.

"i'm coming now." bruce said stiffly before hanging up the phone.

"me too." clay whimpered before hanging up as well.

john dory clicked the phone off and slid it back in his coat pocket. he turned to me.

"do you want poppy to know?" he offered.

i wrapped my arms around myself anxiously. "he's not dead yet."

john nodded his head.

"not yet." he sighed grimly before leaning back on the door.

not yet.

i didn't like the sound of that. he wasn't going to die today. i wanted to believe those words so badly... but i'm not really known to be a hopeful person. i guess you probably know that by know if you've read this far.

before i could muster up any more thoughts, bruce and clay came shooting through the double doors down the hallway. bruce was in front; with clay following closely behind.

"any more news!?" bruce and clay demanded at once as they reached where john and me had been sat together.

john shook his head sadly. "not yet."

as if hearing the conversation; a nurse walked out through the door of floyd's room.

"are you floyd's family?" she asked politely while meeting each brother's eyes.

"yeah." i spoke up stiffly.

she nodded her head, and began speaking very, very slowly. "your brother is dead."

i didn't even wait for her to finish her sentence. i swerved past her and into floyd's room, running straight for his bed.

"FLOYD!!" i yelped as tears swelled in my eyes.

i was beside his bed now; my hands pressed tight against his body.

"your not dead.. your not DEAD!!" i screamed at the top of my lungs.

in a desperate attempt to revive my brother i started pounding my fists against his chest. i did it like how i saw in the movies. i'm sure the doctors had tried this already but anything was worth a shot.

it didn't work.

"branch.." bruce groaned while halfheartedly pulling me away from floyd.

"GET OFF ME!!" i demanded while pulling away from bruce.

i went immediately back to floyd; attempting to awaken him like i had done before.

it didn't work.

none of my brothers really stopped me after that. maybe they were scared. or maybe they hoped i could bring him back to life.

"sir you have to get off him.." a nurse held my arm.

i struggled for a moment but gave in; letting her carry me away from my brother.

i took in a deep breath before wrapping my arms around this random nurse, and crying into her chest. she jumped, but pat my back as i continued to cry. i guess she had dealt with stuff like this before.

i hated what i was doing. because i was taking all the attention off of my brother. i tried to calm down but that was near impossible to do in this situation.

my brothers seemed like they wanted to help calm me down, but first they had to inspect floyd. i'm unsure why. but i guess they wanted to make sure this was real. they wanted to make sure he was actually dead.

i don't blame them. a small part of me wanted to believe this was all a dream- no. a nightmare. and that soon i'd wake up to find floyd hugging and comforting me like he always had.

but it wasn't a dream.

it wasn't even one of my hallucinations this time.

thats the end of the chapter. sorry i took a break for a whole week. i was so tired and stressed. ill be back to uploading these daily!! although i don't think there will be much more chapters after this one. ;)

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