grand theft auto

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clay's pov:

we had just gotten a call from the prison. branch had somehow found a way to escape. god he's stupid. all he had to do was stay there for one day!!

"so now what??" john dory asked with his arms crossed thoughtfully.

"we've got to find him." floyd decided.

"again?" i groaned.

there was a silence. i loved my brother. i really did. but this has become way too much.. and he always finds his way back to us. so what's the point?

"this is your fault." floyd growled; pointing accusingly at john dory.

"what!?" john put his arms up defensively.

"floyd's right. your the one who wanted him to stay at prison longer." bruce spoke up.

"awh that's not fair.." jules pouted.

god i hated jules. she acts like she's apart of the family when she really isn't. it's been really getting on my nerves. but i have to put up with her for john dory's sake.

"guys.. did we leave him with some of his pills..?" floyd questioned.

uh oh.

"i don't think so.." i mumbled.

realization hit.

"we've got to find him." bruce announced.

we all nodded our heads in agreement before speeding off to the elevator.

well.. except for jules.

"you coming?" john dory asked.

jules crossed her arms. "what's the rush?"

"we've got to go looking for him now. he may still be close to the prison!! it's easier that way." i explained hurriedly.

"but i don-" jules started before bruce grabbed her arm roughly; pulling her into the elevator.

before she had any chance of escaping, the lever was pulled, sending us all up. we were going wether she liked it or not.

branch's pov:

"do we have to?? i mean.. we just got out of jail!!" i asked worriedly while me and carlos circled a car.

"we just escaped jail." he corrected.

god this was stupid. i wish i had just stayed. i'd be in so much less trouble. now i was stealing a car?? geez..

"this one seems nice." he announced before picking up a stick on the floor. "this is how it's done."

he stuck the stick down the crack near the window. he wiggled it around a bit before a click sound came out.

"bingo." he smirked before pulling open the car door.

oh god i was really doing this..

i hopped in first; scooting over to the passenger seat while carlos took the drivers seat.

he wasn't done yet.. now he was playing with wires at the bottom of the car. once he found the right one he snapped it in half; prompting the car to start.

"that was.. easy." i sighed.

"it's all about practice." he chuckled.

he got up and placed his hands on the wheel. just as he was about to press down on the gas petal, a troll walked out of the nearby super market.

"hey!!" he shouted once he realized we were in his car.

uh oh.

"go, go, go!!" i growled hurriedly.

carlos slammed the door shut and placed his foot on the back petal. the car jerked backwards; i yelped as my head hit the seat.

"careful!!" i whined while rubbing my head.


the car was now in motion; racing out the parking lot. the troll behind us ran after their car for a bit before just giving up.

"yes!!" carlos cheered.

he gave me a high five before focusing on the road again.

whew!! that's a little too much for me. my heart was pumped full of adrenaline. it's kinda hard to handle. but i liked it!!

it's kinda like when i cut myself!..
that thought definitely ruined my own mood.

"i was thinki-" i started before my eyes caught something on the other side of the window.

john dory, floyd, clay, bruce, and jules.

they saw me, too.

nobody's pov:

floyd's eye caught the vehicle in which branch was seated.

"THERE!!" he pointed.

all eyes followed his finger.

"branch!!" came clay's voice as he began running after the truck.

his brothers followed behind him; now beginning a high speed chase.

bruce attempted to catch the truck with his hair, but instead it slipped under the front; the tires rolling it over.

"ow!!" bruce whined.

nobody had time to respond. they continued chasing the car, but they slowly began losing speed.

"there!" clay pointed towards a giant bug with wings.

he jumped on it before pulling the antenna; waking it up.

john dory and jules managed to jump onto the bug along with him; leaving floyd and bruce for the time being.

they sped after the car; now picking up speed.

"faster!" branch shouted while pointing over to the bug carrying his brothers.

carlos pushed down harder on the petal, gaining speed too. but the bug had already caught up to them and was hovering by the window.

branch attempted to pull his ears down in order to cover his face, but it was no use.

they knew he was there.

"get out branch!!" john dory shouted; cuffing his hands around his mouth in order to project his voice.

jules looked around helplessly. she needed more time to enact her plan..

suddenly an idea popped into her head. her hair extended out and caught the antenna of the bug; pulling it back.

the bug fell backwards and dumped all three trolls onto the ground.

"oops!!" jules giggled.

clay and john got up once more to try and chase branch.

but it was too late.

he was far out of sight.

"damn it!!" john dory growled with his hands on his head.

"we'll catch him next time.." clay sighed.

"but we lost our chance to catch him this time!! i-" his voice cut as tears pricked at his eyes.

john slumped against the ground in defeat.

clay walked over to john and sat down next to him.

jules was about to speak when floyd and bruce had finally caught up.

"where's branch!?" floyd gasped out.

he was clearly out of breath. him and bruce both had their hands on their knees.

clay sighed. "gone."

thats the end of this chapter guys!! thanks for all the new follows. i literally love you all <3

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