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branch's pov:

"where have you been branch!?" floyd exclaimed while running up to me, wrapping me in a hug.

"i was.."i looked down at my bag.

i had to make up a lie fast. no way would i be honest about buying makeup for myself.

"uhmm.. poppy wanted to see how makeup looked on me!! it's a little project she's doing.. oh i got you some eyeliner, too." i said hastily while passing the eyeliner to floyd.

floyd ended the hug with a smile on his face.

"thanks branch." he said sorta awkwardly while rubbing the back of his head.

"you guys have got to trust me." i muttered, pushing past floyd and heading towards my room.

"keep the door open!" john dory called out.

"i know!!" i growled back.

i was waiting for him to have a comeback but none came. so i continued walking up the hallway. once i reached my room i poured everything out, taking a good look at it. the first thing i grabbed was the receipt.

"$478.00?? makeup's expensive." i scoffed, throwing it to the side.

i stared at the makeup for a bit before realizing i had absolutely no idea on how to do it.

i grabbed my phone and sank down into my bed to watch a makeup tutorial.

i couldn't help but laugh a bit.

this is definitely not how i expected my day to go.

30 minutes later

i rubbed my hands together as i loomed over the pile of makeup once more. i realized that i wouldn't need half of these things. what a waste of money!!

i probably only needed like two or three things out of the thirty things i bought for myself.

i grabbed what trolls call foundation, concealer, and a brush to blend it all in.

i sat criss-cross near my mirror, looking at myself again.

i looked away quickly, feeling quite sick. i can't look in the mirror. i can't see myself.

i turned around, still sat on the ground. i began getting to work, i would just have to hope i did it correctly because i was not about to look in that mirror again.

i slowly applied the makeup just like the video had taught me. i know i wasn't going to be the best at it. but what other options do i have?

i spent around 20 whole minutes making sure it was just right before i hesitantly looked in the mirror.

good enough.

i turned away once more.

i've got to get rid of this thing.

so that's what i did. i picked it up, and hauled it out my room, unfortunately meeting my brothers in the living room.

floyd had put that eyeliner to good use.

"what's with the mirror?" bruce questioned.

i stood there, thinking of a lie. "uhh i'm buying a new one, don't need this one anymore!"

john chuckled. "we can put it in the living room! couldn't hurt to see my handsome face more often."

"NO!!.. i mean- no. i've already sold it. i uhh- gotta go. bye." i said hurriedly, rushing up to the elevator.

so awkward!!

"i'll go with you." floyd said while getting up.

"no thanks!" i exclaimed quickly before pulling the lever and getting the hell out of there.

once i was out of their view i let out a sigh.

that was close.

too close.

i kind of just wandered through the woods a bit before placing the mirror there. i made sure it was facing away from me at all times. i shuddered even thinking about it. i'm glad it's gone.

i'm going to have to avoid the bathroom. unless, of course, i want to be met with another mirror.

i kept thinking carefully while walking back to the bunker.

i could hide it? pretend someone stole it?? no.. i'd just be worrying my brothers for no reason.

maybe i can hide it and say i sold it. but that won't last long. they'll know the truth after a couple of weeks without a mirror.

i sighed heavily, giving up as i reached my bunker. i looked down at my stomach.


i need to work some of this fat off. so.. i just began running.

i ran up to troll village.

i ran back to my bunker.

but that didn't feel like enough.

so i ran back to troll village.

and back to my bunker.

one more time?

i ran back to the village.

this time i stayed there for a bit longer, jogging through the various paths.

during this 'mission' i ran into a bunch of trolls. there was dj.

how did she always look so effortlessly.. cool?

there was biggie.

how'd he keep his hair so nice?


why can't i be that funny?

and then poppy.

"hi branch!!" she hasped excitedly before squeezing me tight.

she then grabbed a camera from her hair, taking a photo of me.

"i'll put this in my scrapbook!! the page will be titled.." she sat their thoughtfully.

i looked at the picture held in her hands.

i looked so stupid.

my eyes were squinted. my hair was all over the place. my makeup was obviously not done well..

"poppifer? could i.. have the photo? i'm trying to put up more pictures in my house.." i scratched my head a little awkwardly.

"of course!! let me take another!" she said happily while handing me the photo.

i took it quickly, stashing it in my hair. "maybe another time- my hair is all over the place right now! actually.. do you have a brush?"

she nodded her head, still smiling happily. "here!" she said while handing me a bright pink brush.

"thanks love. i'll see you later?" i asked while pecking her on the cheek.

"see you later!" she gleamed happily, waving me goodbye as i jogged back to the bunker.

that was close.


before being back at the bunker, i took that damn picture out and tore it to shreds. this is a bit embarrassing.. but i ate what was left of it.

i couldn't have anyone putting the pieces together!! this was the safest option. don't judge me.

next, i took the brush out, brushing my hair thoroughly as i continued running to the bunker.

finally, when i was there, i put away the brush, heading back in.

it was night already. i must have spent hours jogging around.

nobody was in the living room.

that's always good.

so i snuck into my room, swiftly plopping on my bed, passing out immediately.

thats the end!! please follow me if u haven't already. it means a lot!! thanx 🫶🏻

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