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branch's pov:

"just follow me bud." carlos called out as him and like 20 other people trailed over to the exit of the cafeteria.

i honestly had nothing better to do, and i definitely didn't want to be on their bad side, so i followed along.

carlos seemed to be the ring leader of this whole operation because he kept motioning to other prisoners; asking for them to join us.

they were all too scared to say no, so they joined in without hesitation.

finally, after we had gathered around 50ish people, we decided to start this thing.

carlos walked up to one of the guards (they seemed half asleep and stressed out. i really did feel bad for them.) and he swung his fist straight into his face.

instantly the other guards surrounded us. i barely had any time to look around before everyone was swinging and kicking and scratching and even biting each other.

it wasn't long before i had to deal with one of the guards. she had a baton in one of her hands while the other was stationed on her taser.


i took one deep breath before convincing my self to just do it.

i ran at her full speed and swiped the baton; grabbing onto it for support so i could trip her using my free foot.

she fell hard on the ground, but not without pulling me down with her.

we fought like cats against the ground for a good few minutes before she remembered she had a taser; using it against my stomach.

i yelped in pain while squeezing my hands tight against my chest. fuck that hurt!!

carlos seemed to notice though, and with one good hit she was knocked out for good.

"you alright?" he gasped before reaching out a hand to help me up.

i nodded my head slowly before taking his hand; using the other to grab onto my sore stomach.

"yeah.." i panted.

he gave me a weak smile before scanning the rest of the cafeteria. the battle was still going strong and there was no clear winner yet. this could last hours.

then i watched as carlos' eyes travelled over to a smashed window with a guard laying unconscious on the other side. his eyes returned to me; a smirk on his face.

i knew exactly what he was thinking. hell yeah.

without speaking, we both darted towards the window and left the other prisoners to fend off the guards. i really did wish them the best.

but i couldn't just miss out on the chance to escape prison!! i know a million different trolls who would do the same thing. or at least that's what i'm telling myself so i don't feel so bad about the whole situation.

me and carlos had already made it into a nearby forest, but we stopped short when realizing nobody was after us. holy shit that was easy!!

we were both on our knees; panting to try and regain our breaths. the adrenaline was still pumping through my veins. carlos turned his head up to me and gave me a smile.

"good job little fella." he chuckled.

"couldnt'a done it without cowboy carl." i joked before giving him a fist bump.

now that we had both regained our breath we were standing up fully and scanning the area around us.

"now what?" i shrugged.

"we gotta lay low for a couple days. we can resurface once they don't care enough to search for us anymore." he replied simply before beginning to walk forward.

i hesitated before replying. "you don't understand.. i'm the queen's boyfriend!! she'll probably have every troll in the village looking for me!! wait.. where are we going??"

"i don't know about you but i'm starving." he rubbed his hands together; avoiding my question.

"but we just ate." i grumbled.

he shrugged mindlessly before turning his head to a nearby trash can. it was stuck behind a building and facing the forest.

"perfect." he cheered before moving closer.


i crossed my arms and pouted. "no way."

"suit yourself." he giggled before tossing the lid of the trash can open.

he pulled himself up and into the trash can; placing his entire body into the bin. he dug around without hesitation. he didn't care if he got dirty at all.

something told me had done this before.

"bingo!!" he announced while showing off a box of leftover italian food.

that stuff looked awful. but since i wasn't the one eating it, i decided not to complain. instead i gave him a weak smile with the inclusion of a thumbs up.

he scurried out of the bin and closed it softly behind him before walking over to where i was.

"you sure you don't want some?" he asked while opening it up.

"no thanks.." i visibly stuck my tongue out.

"awh come on. you were a prisoner just like me. don't act like your above this kind of stuff."

that wasn't why i wasn't eating it. it truly just looked gross. but now he was making me feel kind of bad.. so i guess i just had to go with it.

"fine." i groaned while scooping some of it up with my bare hands.

he looked genuinely happy. so i guess i could say this was worth it.

i stared at the pile of mixed up food in my hand.

yuck.. i could feel the slimy texture seeping through my fingers.. imagine that stuff in my mouth!!

but if i thought about it any longer i think i'd throw up. so i just threw that stuff down my throat, not even bothering to chew on it.

carlos, on the other hand, was already on his 5th handful of that stuff.

this guy was full of surprises.

thats the end!! i'm trying so hard to make a new chapter everyday!! this one had a fast pace, sorry for that. 😭😭

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