for poppy

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branch's pov:

we were already back in my bunker. the whole thing went by in a blur, i barely could keep track of what happened. well, there really wasn't much to keep track of. but you know what i mean.

but now it was time for me to talk. they had sat me down on the couch, while each and every one of them pulled out chairs, surrounding me.

i felt kind of trapped. like there was no escape. my heart began beating faster, so i took a couple deep breathes before anyone started speaking.

"so.." bruce began.

"where are velvet and veneer?" poppy piped up questioningly.

they thought i was insane. i could tell by the looks on their faces. they didn't believe that velvet and veneer had captured me.

"i know what i saw." i stated firmly.

i know thats not what they asked, but i knew it was the question they wanted me to answer.

john sighed, beginning to speak. "i know that's what you thou-"

"i'm not crazy." i said simply, crossing my arms.

"we never said-"

"i can tell. the looks on your faces say everything." i shot back accusingly.

everyone seemed a bit taken aback, but the conversation continued.

"branch are you sure it wasn't just.. your mind playing tricks on you?" floyd asked hesitantly.

now they were starting to piss me off. i know what fucking happened.

"i'm not crazy." i repeated.

john stood up angrily. "really? because you sound pretty fuckin' crazy right now."

"hah. says the troll who's been alone, up in the mountain for the past 20 years." i chuckled, getting off the couch.

a few of my brothers gasped, attempting to get john to sit back down. but it was no use, he was pissed now.

"i-i had rhonda!!" he said angrily.

i stepped closer. "let me correct myself then. you spent 20 years alone, unless you count the pet that you treat almost like a wife."

okay maybe that was a bit too much. because next thing i knew, john punched me right in the face.

the whole room gasped, sitting in silence for a good 4 seconds until i punched john back.

before i knew it we were brawling on the floor, everyone around us trying to push us away from each other.

i got a couple of good hits in. but so did he. his nose was pretty messed up. i scoffed out loud once we finally separated. i can't help but say i was proud.

"your fucking crazy!" john dory gasped, attempting to escape bruce and clay's grasp.

"look in a mirror john!!" i shouted back, kicking my feet as poppy and floyd pulled me away.

10 minutes later.

i was sat in my room with floyd and poppy. clay and bruce were with john in the living room.

everything was kind of silent.

i wish it would be like that forever.

"you did seem kind of crazy.." floyd mumbled.

"fuck off." i rolled my eyes, laying my head against the wall.

"i'm worried for you." poppy said. there were tears rolling down her face.

"shh.. it's okay." i scurried over to where she was, wiping away her tears.

she gave me a smile, but it soon disappeared.

poppy seemed like she wanted to say something. but she just couldn't make out the words.

"we're going to send you to a psychiatrist. we think you may have bi polar." floyd sighed.

my eyes widened immediately, anger once again tormenting my mind. "i'm not going to see a fucking shrink."

tears began rolling down poppy's face once more. "please branch! this is really what's best for you.."

"you don't know what's best for me! you're not branch, are you?" i was getting angrier by the moment.

"no.. but branch.. i want you to get better.." poppy was crying even more now.

i was so caught up in my rage, i didn't think of how i was hurting poppy.

"stop trying to tell me what's best for me! i'll see a.. what was it called?? psychiatrist!! yeah i'll go see a psychiatrist whenever i think i need one. but i don't poppy. i.." i couldn't help but tear up.

but i breathed in hard, containing my tears.

i opened my mouth to speak, but closed it.

floyd came to sit down with me and poppy. he wrapped his arm around my shoulders in a comforting way.

i still couldn't shake off the feeling that his touch felt like velvet.

"please brother. you only have to go once. and-" floyd started.

"fine." i said hesitantly.

poppy perked up. "really?"

"don't make me change my mind." i growled grumpily.

we all kind of sat their awkwardly until floyd got up.

"i'll go tell the others." he said with a slight smile on his face before exiting the room.

he was hopeful. he believed i could get better.

but i didn't.

i was reminded of poppy, as she began speaking once more. "thank you branchifer. this is really what's best for you."

she nuzzled up into my neck.

i hugged her tight, smiling.

i really missed this.

"i hope so poppy. i really do." my fists clenched around poppy's body as i attempted to stop myself from crying.

if seeing a psychiatrist will help me fix my relationship with poppy, then i guess it was worth it.

thats the end!! sorry its so late, school started up again.

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