Chapter Eight, Vol 1

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Day Two.

Waking up from my office gave me an odd sensation in my skin. I foolishly thought I overslept throughout the entire afternoon and evening and forgot to head home. The distant moans of the students in the field dispelled that thought.

I looked over at my phone's news app—almost every local news channel stopped by around the late evening. A glimmer of hope remained in the form of a naval blockade throughout the country.

Let's hope my office is a good sleeping place for the time being.

I couldn't hope for the future though. For all we know, this seems like it'll take a while to contain such an infection that could potentially spread across the continent.

I turned my phone off. Although it was possible to charge my phone thanks to the solar generators, I couldn't take it for granted.

Looking at the board in front of me, I saw mere scribbles and lines drawn across it. Early morning drawings weren't my best, but at least they conveyed the general idea.

I had planned out what we do in different scenarios and the roles of everybody (or what I believed should be). Yet, despite a few dot points under everybody's name, Yuki remained empty.

Well, what was I supposed to write?

Perhaps my ideas will change over time.

I slid the door open, looking down the entire hallway across the third floor. Instead of the usual group of students spread out across the hallway, I only saw Yuuri walking inside a classroom. I heard the sound of distant sobbing coming from the same room.

Even without opening the door to see what happened, I could easily tell who it was.

"Good morning Ryu-kun,"

"Morning Wakasa-san"

"Morning Ryu"

"Morning Ebisuzawa-san"

The sound of sobbing came from the middle of the room. Sakura stood over Yuki who was sitting on a chair with her hands covering her face.

I noticed the nearby windows being shattered open, with blood and debris spreading across the room. It seemed eerily consistent with each room, as I felt a breeze while passing by each classroom.

"Has Takeya-san been like this for a while now?" I whispered.

"Yea. She has been like that ever since the early morning" Kurumi whispered back.

"You're going to do a quick sweep of the second floor tomorrow right?"


"Perfect. I'll be out shortly"

"Before you go, Ryu-kun. Can I tell you something?" Yuuri turned over to me, holding onto my hand.

"... Go on" I responded, slowly pulling my hand away from her hold.

"Once you've secured the second floor, can you please check the Home Economics Kitchen? It may have some food to keep us going for a while"

"That wouldn't suffice for more than three weeks. Our best hope is to keep with the original strategy of having people tend to the garden. I'll probably work on the garden with you since we're making progress with the scavenging"

"Ah, thanks Ryu-kun"

"I do wish for the extra manpower though"

Yuuri and I exchanged glances for a moment as we walked out of the hallway, leaving Sakura to comfort Yuki. Although my plan with Kurumi was meant to happen later, I didn't know what could happen next. Especially since I hadn't gotten over last night.

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