Chapter Twelve, Vol 1

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Winter had settled upon Japan. Other than the bright Christmas lights set across the neighborhood, the only addition to the atmosphere was the snow that had settled across the street.

For young and naive me, it was pretty much my dream come true for winter to arrive.

It seemed childish for my age, I know, but I couldn't bother judging myself for it. It was stunning, even for someone like me, to be able to set up a snowman or try to create a massive snowball with what I saw as an unlimited source of snow.

While working on this snowman, I kept getting these small glances from the corner of the wall. Every time I exchanged looks; I noticed a short brown-haired girl peeking over from the wall before retreating. By how she withdrew, she had already revealed a shy and meek attitude to most social situations.

Her name was Hano Aki. We were neighbors, yet had never formally met each other outside of school. The only way we could've met was if our parents had arranged for us to meet up and talk with each other or if we were paired together in Art club for an activity during my brief time there.

"Do you need something?" I responded while pushing a snowball over.

"No..." Hano approached over, her face almost concealed by the scarf and beanie she had, "Sorry if I interrupted you.

"It's alright"

I continued with my snowman, only to realize that I had forgotten something critical to a snowman.

While standing there, Hano walked up towards me, digging her hands into her pockets to reveal a bunch of gray oval-shaped rocks she conveniently had.

"May I?"


Hano placed the pebbles over the snowball's face.

"Thanks Aki-san"

"No problem..." Hano looked away, "so... what do you plan to do for the holidays?"

"Nothing much... I'd rather just enjoy it as it is..."

"Yeah, same for me..."

We remained in silence for a moment. I wasn't exactly the most introverted when compared to Hano, but since she had pushed herself to ask me a question, all I could do now was try and muster up something.

"So uh, do you take art classes outside of school?"

I nodded in response.

"I've taken up art classes before... I'm not exactly the... best. But I do draw from time to time" I scratched the back of my head.

"Well... not to sound pushy, but can I see what you've drawn?"

"Why do you ask?"

"I need some ideas... I've been quite empty recently in terms of my ideas"

"Sure, I guess. Do you want me to send some photos of my work?"

"Sorry, if it sounds weird, but how about you come with me Ryu-kun?"

"Uh... why?"

"It'd be best to see the art in front of you instead of a screen"


We walked over to the front door.

"Ah, Aki-san. Who's the boy behind you?"

"Our neighbor... Ryu-kun"

"Nice to meet you" I bowed.

"Please come in. Make yourself at home"

We continued up the stairs, with Hano reluctantly hanging her beanie and jacket over it.

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