Fuck Rule 12

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You stood at Jethro's door absolutely soaked through at 2:34am. Your crazy ex boyfriend had decided to show up at your door tonight, begging for you to come back to him. You of course rejected him and then he flipped his absolute shit and starting throwing threats at you. You tried to lock him out of your house, hoping he would just give up and go home but no. He broke through one of your windows and attempted to attack you. As you scrambled out your front door, rain pouring down, you run down the street. Tears streaming down your cheeks. You ran for what felt like hours, praying that he wasn't going to follow you. As you turned down Jethro's street a wash of relief spreads over you. None of his lights were on, but who were you kidding, it was a ridiculous hour in the morning on a weekday, of course he was going to be asleep. 

Finally coming to a stop at his front door, you knock. No answer, so you knock again somewhat frantically, looking around you to see if you were still safe. 
"Hang on jeez" You hear someone yell from the other side of the door. Not even a minute later it opens, showing a Jethro in grey tracksuit pants and hoodie. You had clearly woken him up. 
"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up I- I was just" You stop. What were you doing? Showing up at your bosses house at 2am absolutely soaked was just inappropriate. 
"I'm just gonna go, enjoy the rest of your night, and sorry for waking you up" You go shy, why should he need to deal with you at this hour? You go to turn away, but his words stop you.
"Stop, whats wrong, are you ok? Where's your car?" Then he finally put two and two together. "Did you walk here?" He seems surprised, its not like he lived overly close. But there was also a sense of worry in his words, like he genuinely cared. 
"I- I just- my ex showed up at my house and I didn't know what else to do..." You say, looking at the ground. You sounded pathetic right now. The cold night air was finally starting to hit you now.
"Come inside, its freezing out here and your wet" He motions for you to walk in. You do, his house was so much warmer than you expected. Jethro disappears momentarily, coming back holding a clean pair of tracksuit pants, one of his hoodies and a dry towel. "Before we talk about why you are here, take a warm shower and heat up. Heres a towel and some clothes to change into. The bathrooms just down there" He points down the hallway, passing the clothes to you. 
"I'll make you something to eat for when you get out. If you need anything, just yell out and I'll be there to help you" Some part of you was shocked at this sweet and caring side of him that you never saw, the other knew he was a kind person underneath. 
"Thank you" You say, starting to walk down the hallway towards the bathroom. 

When you left the bathroom, much warmer than when you had first arrived, the smell of bacon and eggs hit you. Quietly making your way to the doorway of the kitchen, you see Jethro cooking on the stove. You lean against the frame of the doorway, taking him in. Did he always look this good? Or were you just overtired? He must have sensed your presence, turning his head to look at you. A small smile was on his lips. Had you ever seen him smile before? 
"I figured you'd be hungry" He says, grabbing out two plates and placing them on the bench next to him. "I'm calling you off work tomorrow, you can stay here as long as you need" He adds, his back turned to you as he places food on both the plates. 
"Th- thank you" You say, sitting down at the table as he places a plate in front of you, then hands you a knife and fork. He sits down next to you, starting to pick away at his food. You take a bite of yours and relish the taste, damn could this man cook!

After finishing the food, you both sit on the couch. The time was now 3:17am, and it was finally time to talk about what had happened. Were you ready? No. Jethro starts it off. 
"What happened?" The question was so simple.
"H- he wanted me to go back to him... I told him no, that I didn't love him anymore. He got mad and started threatening me, I closed the door in his face and expected him to leave. Apparently he's crazier than I remember, he broke through one of my windows and went to attack me. I just ran..." Tears welled in your eyes, the memory of the fear you felt was fresh in your mind. 
"And you ended up here?" He asks, his eyes soft. 
"I guess I figured I'd be safest here..." You say, looking down at your feet again. 
"Of course your safest here, you're always welcome here at any time" His response was somewhat surprising. Always welcome here? What came next was the most surprising thing to have happened tonight, Jethro pulled you into a hug. This sent you over the edge, the tears finally falling from your eyes. As you cried into his chest, his hand cradling the back of your head as he whispers sweet nothings into your ear, rocking forward and backwards slightly. This was the side of Jethro you definitely loved.

He picked you up swiftly at one point, carrying you up the stairs towards a spare room. He gently tucks you into the bed, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "My rooms just across the hall, if you need me I'm right there" He says softly, before leaving you to sleep. 

Not even an hour later you were awake, slipping out of the bed you were in, making your way to Jethro's room. You felt bad about waking him up again, but you really needed a hug right now. 
"Jethro..." You say softly.
"Hm you ok?" He replies sleepily. He's such a light sleeper. 
"Can I just get a hug... then I'll be ok to go back to my room" You say shyly.
"Come here" He sits up, opening his arms for you. You crawl onto his bed and into his lap. His arms wrap around you. You could definitely get used to this. It's so easy to fall asleep in his arms. Jethro notices how close you were to falling asleep, so he lays you down under the covers of his bed. He lays down next to you, pulling you into his chest, continuing the hug. This was the safest you'd ever felt, wrapped in the arms of one of the scariest people you knew. Although in the early hours of the morning, this Jethro was one of the sweetest people you knew. Just before you fall completely into the world of sleep you hear him mumble something, before pulling you in closer.
"Fuck Rule 12"


Really had to talk myself up to write this one haha, sorry if it's shit, I had a long day :)

Jethro's Girl (Gibbs x Reader Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now