Late Night Arrival

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Just a cute little onshot of you arriving home after working late. ( Married Couple ) 


You had just arrived home after one of the longest cases you had worked in years. NCIS had been following a road of murders but could never find the guy responsible, that was until today. He'd slipped up and wasn't as careful to dispose of the evidence. Ultimately resulting in him being caught. You had pile upon pile of paperwork to fill out after loosing a bet with Dinozzo a few days ago. Jethro, your husband who is also yours and Tony's boss, had told him to drop it and do his own paperwork but you had insisted that fair is fair and you should hold up your end of the deal. You were now regretting that. You knew that tonight was going to be a late one and so did Jethro. He brought you food and offered to stay to keep you company and help you but you had declined his offer telling him that you would be fine and that he needed sleep. As much as he insisted, he knew you weren't going to change your mind. But now in the earliest hours of the morning you were regretting not taking him up on that offer as well. You knew you could've called him and he would have come and helped but that wasn't fair on him. However, at 3:47am you finally made it home. Jethro had left the front light and kitchen light on for you, a handwritten note was carefully placed on the table. You picked it up, smiling as you read over it. 

Dear my hardworking beautiful wife, 
You are the reason I wake up every morning, the reason I enjoy my job and the reason I'm so much less of a grouch. Please, don't work yourself too hard. If you need help I will always help you. You are my forever, my always, my everything. You always make me smile and I will love you for the rest of my days. 
Love from your Husband

He always left notes for you on various occasions, never failing to make you smile. To think that you's had been married for just over 8 years seemed impossible. It felt like only yesterday that you walked into the bullpen for the first time, running your eyes over the infamous Leroy Jethro Gibbs. Never in a million years would you have thought you'd be getting married 4 years later. But here you were, happier than ever, getting to spend the rest of your days with the one man you love.

You throw your bag down on the table and turn the front light and the kitchen light off, walking up the stair towards your shared room. You quietly open the door, slipping inside. Jethro was asleep under the covers. He had a book laid flat on his stomach, along with his reading glasses and the bedside lamp on. He had fallen sleep reading again. You smiled at him. Seeing him in such a vulnerable state always had an effect on you. You changed out of your work clothes and into a pair of shorts and one of his shirts. You walked back over to the sleeping Jethro, carefully taking the book out of his hands and placing it on the bedside table, along with his glasses. You turned off the bedside lamp and made your way around to your side of the bed. It wasn't until you got under the covers that he stirred. He nuzzled into you, breathing in your scent. 
"You're home" He mumbles sleepily, smiling.
"Yes I am" You reply, pulling him deeper into you. You breathed in the scent in his hair, he had showered once he got home and had washed his hair, you could tell. 
"Did you get the note I left you?" He asked quietly, his head of your chest.
"I did, it was very sweet" You reply, softly kissing his head. 
He sits up enough to look at you. "Did you get all the paperwork done?" 
"I did, nothing to worry about" You say before softly kissing him. 
"I missed you" He whispers before kissing you again. 
"I missed you too" You reply "Now get some sleep you old man, I'm not dealing with a grouch at work tomorrow"
"Did you just call me old and a grouch all in one sentence?" He questions, locking eyes with you.
"I would never, I don't know what your insinuating Agent Gibbs" You jokingly reply. 
"Thats Special Agent Gibbs to you Mrs" He says, starting to tickle you. 
"Ok... ok..., Jethro enough" You manage to say, trying to kick him away from you. 
"What was that? Who are you talking too?" He questions, smirking at you.
"Special Agent Gibbs, as your wife I am asking you to stop and go to sleep. You are old and I am tired, and if you do not stop I will make you sleep on the floor" You say more seriously.
"Ok... Ok..." He says, putting his hands up to surrender. 
"Thank you" You say as you pull him in for a quick kiss before pushing him onto his back, and snuggling your way into his arms. He welcomes you, pulling your body against his. Soon your eyes become heavy, sleep starting to overcome you. But before you drift into the altered consciousness world you heard Jethro whisper something softly into your ear.
"And for the record, I'm not that old" causing you both to smile.


The first ever NCIS fanfic I've written! Somewhat proud of myself haha. Feel free to leave your opinion :)

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