Chapter 9: Of Look A-likes, Lovers & Friends

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Slowly waking up, I stretched myself only to have my arm hit someone who groaned from the impact. Startled, I looked to my side to find Sand slowly waking up.

"Sand?" I muttered in surprise.

"Hi. Good morning. Are you feeling better already?" Sand sits up, looking concerned.

"Yeah much better. I slept too long, didn't I? What happened last night? It was Thua and Khan here when I went to sleep," I wondered.

"I came last night to bring you porridge. They were about to go home so I told them I'll stay. Also, Thua made you porridge too, so you can decide which one you feel like eating, I'll heat it up for you," Sand answers.

"Thank you and you don't have to spend your night and day here Sand. I feel bad enough you had to stay here the whole night," I told him.

"What are you saying Ayan! I liked having a reason to sleep over. You were just sleeping last night. I had a lot of time to write some music. It's actually better here than in my apartment. I don't have to worry about complaints from the neighbors for the noise I make," Sand laughs.

Sand kissed my lips before he sprung up to go to the en suite bath. I was too stunned to react. After a while he walked back out, freshly showered wearing my clothes. What? He didn't even need to ask me for them? My eyes are wide at the sight. Sand is really at a different level of confidence.

"Go on, you can take your shower, I'll prepare your breakfast," Sand cheerfully said before he left the room.

Good God I am having a whiplash. Sand looked like he already lived in this place. Did I somehow wake up 6 months later?Shaking my head in disbelief, I slowly got up to take a shower.

Picking up my phone after I changed clothes, I replied to Thua's messages and thanked Khan for coming to check on me. I also responded to Wat, who is in Tokyo currently, asking if I was feeling better. Khan must have told him.

Deciding to go down, curious what my new housemate is doing. He was plating our breakfast. The porridge that Thua made is steaming hot in two bowls. Bacons, eggs and stir fried vegetables in the other plates. Sand can cook? Sitting down at the counter, I voiced my curiosity.

"I've been on my own since I started university Aye, so I've learned to make simple dishes. I can feed you decent meals at least," Sand winks.

"What? You're really planning to live here with me?" I blurted out.

The ladle in his hand cluttered and he turned around. "What?" He asked, startled.

"Huh? Nothing," I tried to cover up my blunder.

"Did you just ask me to live with you?" Sand queried.

"No... I... I...," Stuttering so badly, I felt my cheeks redden.

The Rockstar & The Balladeer : A SandAyan StoryWhere stories live. Discover now