Chapter 19: You're Worth A Million Chances

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I was so pissed that I walked out of Aye's house with no destination in mind. I walked and walked. Why does Ayan always have to do this? Just when I was about to crumble and beg him to get back together. I lost track of how many hours I've been just aimlessly walking around, and I realized that my feet took me back in front of the house of the very person who made me so mad. Finally taking out my phone to check the time. Three fucking AM. Great! I've been walking around for two hours.

Decided that I should just go home already, when I stopped short as a voice in my head yelled, "Sand! Wait! I didn't say this was my decision. I said if you still think this is the best thing to do! Sand!"

Did Ayan say that before I closed the door? Why the heck did I just walk off without listening to Aye's pleading?

Scrambling to find the key to his house, I finally found it in my wallet, where I must have safely tucked it when I left 6 months prior. The house was dark, the stillness of the night almost unnerving. I removed my jacket and shoes. Wearing back the house slippers I slowly tried to look for Ayan. Finally finding him inside his walk-in closet, hugging a jacket I left behind back then fast asleep on the floor.

"Aye," I gently woke him up.

Opening his eyes, focusing his gaze on my face. "Sand?" he murmured.

"I'm sorry but you have to wake up. Let's talk," I softly but firmly helped him up.

Dazed, he rubbed his eyes confused. "Didn't you leave?" Aye whispered, his voice hoarse from crying.

"Ayan focus. I said let's talk," I said it again, my voice laced with the impatience I have been feeling since I realized what Aye said before.

"Yeah, I'm awake," Ayan slowly makes his way to the couch in his room and sits down. Realizing he was clutching my jacket, he slowly put it down beside him.

"Did you say that you'll do what I decide if I think it was the best decision?" I asked him.

"Huh? What?" Confused, Aye ran his hand on his hair and my eyes followed the movement like it was a sensual dance. How can Ayan just do this simple act of running his fingers through his unstyled hair and I think it's the sexiest move.

"Before I left Aye, did you say that if I think it's the best thing to do? Will you really let me make the call on this one?" I grasped his arm, trying to get him to answer me.

"Oh!! Yes. I don't want to keep making decisions for you anymore. I've been pushing myself to you the last few days but I did not realize that you might not want to get back together or feel the same way," Aye says nervously.

"Then you'll follow whatever I want this time? Do you swear?" I pulled his hand delicately taking care not to hurt him but also drawing his attention and focus to me.

"Yeah Sand. I will, I promise. So don't feel bad about it. Just do what will be best for you," Ayan shakily responded.

"Then you're staying with me Ayan. You're going to work on being a better boyfriend to me. You're going to make up to me for all the sufferings I had to go through. And when I go on tour, you'll wait for me and trust me that I'll come back to you. You'll have faith in my love for you and know that I'll stay faithful and love only you. You'll come visit me when you can and I'll come home as often as I can. We'll be grown ups in a relationship and talk things out all the time. You'll work on being a better communicator and express your feelings. Instead of assuming, you'll come to me to ask if there's things that you want to know about. Are we clear?" I pulled him to me firmly.

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