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"And here i thought you were the master of resistance

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"And here i thought you were the master of resistance."

"Not for you

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"Not for you."

"I don't think i'll ever know how to love someone else, the way i love you."

In which, Charlotte Windsor has a Birmingham gangster of her own.

Charlotte Windsor was a beautiful girl to say the least, she held ethereal beauty and carried class wherever she attended.Undeniably every man in Birmingham has desired a chance with her, however one thing was very clear, she was tommy shelby's girl, and his only. they'd be stupid to even try.

Charlotte Windsor grew up alongside the shelby's and was quite evidently considered one of their own. Her mother, Alexandra Windsor, was best of friends with the shelby boys mother. Leaving their Children to inevitably share their childhood. Tommy and Charlotte were only a few months apart meaning they were the closest out of all the children, initially they were the best of friends spending every minute they could together only departing when their mothers declared it was time for bed. Witnessing each others first graze on their knee to tommy's first fight with a copper who supposedly "had the eyes" for charlotte.

At the age of 15, the pair had not spent barely a day without seeing each other for ten years. It became apparent to the family and particularly tommy's mother that they were soulmates, so much so that she had layed a meaningless bet with alexandra that they would end up together one way or another. Unexpectedly, Tommy's mother had fallen ill and passed just before his sixteenth birthday. The family's were heartbroken with the sudden loss but tommy undoubtedly took it the hardest, he spent most of his time glued by charlotte's side simply claiming "she made him feel better". It was only after this heartbreaking series of events, Tommy realised he had fallen in love with the Windsor girl, unbeknownst to him, she had the same realisation.

17th Of October,1918
When Charlotte had gotten the news that her boyfriend and two best-friends were to be sent off to war, she was heartbroken to say the least. Sharing a very teary goodbye with her lover before being gently pulled away by Polly to avoid tommy having a breakdown at the sight of his girl so upset.
However now as she lay in the spare room of pols house, she felt a new sense of faith after hearing word that germany were to surrender. Although she was very quickly stripped of her wave of happiness as she remembered it's been months since she heard from Tommy or any of the boys infact. So once again she picked up her pen to write a letter she was sure would never reach Tommy.

Dear My Tommy,
I haven't heard from you in a while but polly tells me she's had a gypsy dream and your still out there causing havoc! I'm choosing to believe her as we both know polly is never wrong about the matters of the heart, she tells me not to be heartbroken because your still out there.
However if you are i know it's still awful for you and the boys. How are they?
I miss you ever so much tommy and i love you, i hope you know that.
please come back to me tommy, plus adas driving me mad! Nether the less she's always on about you tom and how she longs for a love like ours.She's growing up she is. But she misses you and loves her brother as we all do. I really hope this letter finds you well Thomas, keep in mind I've heard word of surrender.
Tommy, My soulmate i love you always.
Yours Sincerely,
Your Lottie.

Sat at polly's table, Charlotte nursed the homemade soup she had in front of her,drowned in her thoughts. Ada and Polly shared a glance before breaking the silence,
"you've not touched your food doll" Charlotte lifted her head to meet Polly's eyes not failing to notice the concerned look within them. "M'sorry Poll, Just not hungry is all."
"You've not been hungry for three weeks lottie, what's the matter?" pondering on her thought's for a second, charlotte cleared her throat before meeting the woman's gaze once again "Where do you think he is pol?" Instant realisation became one on  Polly's face "He's somewhere thinking about you, probably talking about you, hell i bet every soldier over there is aware about you. You know our tommy Charlotte, better then anyone infact he'll come back to you." Charlotte smiled appreciatively, aware that pols words were most likely true, however she couldn't shake the worry that consumed her. Ada rose from her chair placing her hand on lotties shoulder. "If i was you lottie, i'd be thinking about the dress your going to wear when he gets back!" Charlotte couldn't help but laugh before Ada left the room with a giggle.


"Good Morning Poll" Charlotte chimed descending down the stairs in a particularly better mood then the past few weeks. Polly wore a half smirk over her face, earning a wave of confusion from the Windsor girl. "There's a letter for you,my girl" polly smiled, not missing the joy that spread over the beautiful girls face, before leaving the room to let charlotte read in peace.

Dear My Lottie Girl,
I'm alright sweetheart, best as i can be but don't you worry about me.The boys are well ,Arthur's still mad as hell and john still has that bloody smile on his face.
We miss you. All the way in France and still fighting off the men that want you eh?, they've seen the photograph i have of you and now half of my comrades want my girl. don't you worry i want you to know that every night i look at that fucking photograph and feel the only bit of peace I've felt in these four years.
I love you,so much. I want you to know that,yeah? I'll come back to you, hell i feel sorry for who try's to stop me.
You tell ada from me no boys till she's 40 and we are grey and old, you hear me? I love you endless amounts lottie girl and i cannot wait to see that pretty faces of yours.
Keep the letters coming me girl, i miss you.
Yours Sincerely,
Your Tommy.

Polly now stood lent on the door frame,arms crossed and a smug smile on her face, "Well?" rising from her seat, charlotte jumped into her arms accompanied with a wide smile.
"He's okay, he's bloody okay pol!"


the photograph tommy has of charlotte^^^

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the photograph tommy has of charlotte^^^

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