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regret,confusion,dread and fuck Thomas Shelby. Four emotion's Charlotte was on the receiving end of the entire journey, the destination being yet another thing she was unaware of. The car she had been thrown into came to a harsh stop, almost sending the poor girl through the windscreen. Sighing heavily charlotte scanned her eyes over her surroundings, of course not leading her to any conclusion, she didn't have a fucking clue where she was.
"what is it that you want?" charlotte spat, her fury and aggravation overpowering any fear she may have originally had.
Tutting with the shake of his head, Sabini turned apprehensively towards the girl so they were now fully perpendicular to each-other.
"to teach a lesson" he responded in his strangely high pitched tone. "a lesson?"
charlotte perplexed, her confusion displaying clearly on her face.
"to that lover of yours"
Ding. Ignorantly Charlotte had mindlessly forgotten that Tommy was most likely to blame for her current state of affairs, but instead she let her mind wander to multiple contrasting scenarios, the main one being that this was a result of her fame and who she was. It was something Alfie had always warned her about, it invites unwanted pricks, to put it bluntly, into her life.
However of course, that was not the case but her ex was instead.
The longer Charlotte sat in the unwanted company of Sabini, the more she seemed to recognise him, she couldn't put her finger on who what and when however nethertheless she did. It wasn't surprising though, she was good friends with one London gangster already, it wasn't uncommon to know of another one.
Fighting the urge to roll her eyes, Charlotte let out yet another sigh "he's not my "lover", i haven't been with him for years" she spoke through an irritated tone, how long would it take before she wasn't affiliated with him anymore. "doesn't take away from how you're important to him now, does it charlotte?" he responded, patronisingly. "i'm sure it does" she scoffed, growing more irritated by the second. "you cannot see can you?" he bitterly chuckled "how he still loves you I'm guessing" he added, watching as charlotte ran her hand through her hair in a stressed manner. She could only internally scoff, why did every situation like this feel like a counselling session for her love life?
"i'm no use mr sabini, i know nothing and like i said,haven't for years" she calmly responded, exaggerating the last part. "i don't want information darlin', i want you" he chuckled, watching as the other men with him also did so.
Shuddering at the nickname that fell from his lips, she furrowed her eyebrows deeply, the situation now purely baffling her. "me?"
"you see Charlotte, i do research on my enemies, as does tommy so i'm sure he'll understand" he started "now i didn't need to do my research on you,who doesn't know of Charlotte Windsor hm? i suppose i just fell lucky when my leverage over tommy, was you." he nodded, keeping his stare fixed of the girl.
"what leverage?"she spat, now growing more agitated at her naivety of the situation. "your man has crossed the line, coming into my clubs, you see he's bit of more then he can chew"
Oh so that's why he was in London that night.
Internally wincing at Tommy's stupidity, Charlotte was slightly at loss for words, What even was the right thing to say in a peculiar situation like this. Although this situation is out of the ordinary yes, it wasn't the first time Tommy had put her into it.
"your going to come with me, and we are going to give that man of yours a phone call" he nodded, rising to his feet and gesturing his men to bring charlotte with them.

Throwing Charlotte into a chair, the brunette fought to cover the wince at the surge of pain that travelled through her body. Watching Sabinis every movement, Charlotte watched as he picked up the telephone, bringing it over to where she was sat and placing it to her ear. "I was going to let him know that i have his missus, but it wouldn't hurt for you to do it yourself instead" he chuckled at his "creative" idea. "I'm not his missus" charlotte scowled under her breath at the statement. Listening to the line ring, Charlotte prayed with everything within her that he would answer.
" 'Ello?" tommy's hoarse voice spoke through the phone, sending shivers down Charlotte's spine before she let out a sigh of relief at the comforting sound of his voice. On the other end, Tommy furrowed his eyebrow's at the sound, albeit it was just a sigh, it was a familiar one at that. "Tommy" Charlotte rasped, glancing up at sabini who ordered her to continue.
"Lottie?" Tommy frowned, perplexed at why she had phoned him. "you alright lottie?" he added, growing concerned at the tone of her voice as he replayed it.
"yes I'm fine, i'm with sabini he wants you to know that he's got me here"
Tommy practically froze at the name, his mind instantly imagining all the scenarios she could be in right now.
"With Sabini? he's got you where Charlotte?" Charlotte was instantly aware of the man's panic, due to the use of her full name and additionally how he basically morphed the two questions into one at how quick he said them. "I'm not sure, something about leverage tommy" she made sure he got the word "leverage", aware that he would know exactly what she meant by it, whatever sabini meant by it.
Rising from his seat in a panic, he internally scowled himself for making it that easy for sabini. "Put him on the phone Charlotte" Tommy demanded, his voice laced with anger.
Fighting a scoff at how Sabini let a revolting smirk take over his face as he placed the phone to his ear, Charlotte could only sit apprehensively as she listened. "Where 'ave you taken her?" tommy questioned, his voice significantly darker. Releasing his signature irritating laugh down the phone,sabini continued. "you've bitten off more then you can chew boy, this'll teach you a lesson about you and your peaky scum inviting ya self into my side of London" he attempted to intimidate, however he might aswell of been talking to a brick wall. "i didn't ask you that, where is she?" he spoke, the fury in his voice becoming more evident by the seconds.
"she'll walk away, i can't say unharmed though" Charlotte swallowed at what she hoped to be an empty threat, before glancing over to one of sabinis men who handed a small knife to him.
"if you fucking touch her" tommy started just before the line went dead, and sabini took a step towards the girl, the knife in hand.
"This'll teach your peaky scum of a man" he spat before harshly grabbing Charlottes arm, carving a small S into it. Squirming and wincing at the pain, Charlotte bit her lip in hopes that it would stop and quickly. Clenching her eyes shut, she tried her luck once more to pull away, although her efforts were no good, she had no chance.
Charlotte sighed heavily in relief and pain when he threw her arm towards her, her outer arm just below her hand now accompanied with a glowing red S, that was no doubt going to scar.
"Take the gypsy scum back to where you got her."

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