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Charlotte and Tommy still hadn't uttered a word to each other, the pair were both as stubborn as each other meaning the likelihood of the other one apologising was very low. However tommy knew he had been the one in the wrong, he knew he was to blame therefore he knew he had to apologise, in due time.

It had been two days since the dispute and quite frankly the Shelby's knew better then to speak more then a sentence to tommy due to the foul mood that had plagued him since he returned home that night.
"What's been bloody up with him?" Arthur retorted pouring a glass of whiskey. "I think i might have an idea" his aunt replied glancing over to his office door "i've put two and two together, think about it Arthur we haven't seen Lottie for two days ave we?" john added "Oh he hasn't fucked it has he, she was the only good thing for him" earning a scowl from polly "Arthur i doubt it's that extreme, they've probably just had a row but you know how stubborn they both are"
"Go talk to him would ya, pol?" Arthur spoke downing yet another glass of whiskey. "yeah go on, can't stand another day with him like this" john sighed lighting up a cigarette.

"Thomas" polly spoke shutting his office door behind her. "Yes" he bluntly replied not lifting his head from the paperwork in-front of him "Where is she?" he only sighed knowing exactly where the conversation was going."Dunno pol, that all?" frowning she took a seat in-front of him "What do you mean you don't know, from what i know you wouldn't let her out your sight without knowing where she was, what's up with you?" groaning he hung his head back in frustration,before meeting her gaze once again.
"I ave men watching the house, she's fine."
"i don't want to say i told you so Thomas, but here we are. I warned you not to get caught up with that barmaid"
"I haven't got caught up with her pol, business s'all it is" he watched her as she let a scoff leave her mouth "Yeah? and when have you ever put business before Charlotte" growing agitated he rose from his seat "Im not putting anything before her, you know where she stands with me"
"Does she?" she questioned "I might know your still head over heels for her, but from her perspective business and that barmaid are your priorities"
excepting defeat he sat back down,sighing "i love her, it's been two days and i'm going bloody insane with out her" he spoke just above a whisper as he ran his hand over his face in a stressed manner.
" I know, but you need to get your act in order, she loves you just as much, hell anyone can see that, but she's also just a girl who's afraid of getting her heartbroken." she calmly spoke,standing from her seat "She'll become accustomed to it put up a wall, and you'll be the one who suffers. Her and that bloody barmaid aren't even comparable, open your eyes Thomas" she protested slamming the door. "Fuck!" he exclaimed kicking the chair in-front of him purely out of frustration.

Returning home that night, charlotte cried and cried and cried and cried. Although what had happened between her and Tommy had definitely got to her, it wasn't all that had led her to this breakdown. She felt lonely and she missed her mother more then words could describe, she put on a brave face because she was well aware that nothing could bring her back and her mother wouldn't want her moping around. However nethertheless she couldn't fight it all the time, some mornings when sat on her own she'd think of her letting a few tears slip, although this time it all came to a head and all she could do was cry. Charlotte never actually let herself mourn after the death of her mother, she powered through unable to spend a minute alone because she'd break, it was only polly who became aware of this letting her know it was okay to be hurting, letting her sob in her arms, but that was once and once only. She felt herself slipping recently, not seeing her boyfriend as often as-well as his family that had became her own and of course to make matters worse her brother had disappeared to London,rarely visiting his Birmingham home. Charlotte was absolutely and undeniably heartbroken at how her life had drastically plummeted.

The next morning, she didn't feel much better a pounding headache accompanied her and her eyes still held a tint of red from her breakdown.
Although she had no plans to leave her house at all that day she still made herself presentable, as she always was.
Placing one of her many dresses over her petite frame before descending down the stairs, a white envelope caught her eye as she was about to walk into her kitchen before swiftly turning around to pick up the letter she assumed was from her brother.

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