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i recommend listening to a slowed version of "set fire to the rain" till the end/for the end of the chapter...enjoy.

Charlotte had experienced pain before, she had lost both of her parents, watched as her brother changed right in-front of her eyes but what she was experiencing now, was unlike anything she had ever felt before. The type of pain that physically made her heart ache, invaded her every thought, made her continuously sick at just the vision.
When she had returned home, millie had left, presumably thinking it was the right thing to do, although Charlotte hadn't even processed that.
Upon opening her door she barely made it inside, sinking to the floor as she sobbed, the type of cry's that hurt even to listen to. Albeit they didn't relieve not even an inkling of the pain, Charlotte had always assumed that love was the most powerful feeling that took place in this world,although it was the feeling that juxtaposed,heartbreak.
The fierce and brutal feeling that sat on her chest, tainting the abundance of love that sat there with all it's colours of sadness, constructing a barrier, disguising the naive and forgiving heart that took place there.

Charlotte had not had even an inkling of sleep that night, sobbing until the early hours of the morning until all she could do was whimper at the pain that consumed her, intensifying by the second. Standing up from her bed, she let a fresh set of tears fall at the hint of his scent that still resided in her sheets, acting as a harsh reminder.
She made her way over to the window that fell onto watery lane,fighting for her legs not to give way she felt a sense of relief that the night had come to an end and family's had dispersed onto the streets, she watched all the couples and families that went about their morning wide smiles on their faces, with an intensified misery.
Sighing heavily she came to the realisation that ,every room in her home, every scent that she smelled, every corner of small heath led back to one person. Only making her current state of affairs, even more unbearable.
If there was one thing she knew it was that she needed to get the fuck out of small heath.

In her irrational state of mind she hurriedly gathered her only essential belongings together, her eyes clouded with tears. As she made it to her last draw, she glanced to the top of the chester draws meeting a framed photograph of her and tommy at around only the age of 18, it was a picture polly had snapped candidly capturing the way the pair looked at each-other. Slamming the photograph down her sobs combined with the glass that ricocheted,working together to echo throughout the house, constructing a tune of utter despair.

The poor girl attempted to get her self ready, not wanting to raise unneeded suspicions. Although as she looked in the mirror she almost shuddered at the reflection that looked back at her, she looked simply broken. There was certainly no need for her to explain the severity of what she was feeling inside, her eyes told the tale alone.
Fighting with her shaky hands, the brunette did a half decent job at disguising her pained appearance, she just had to hope that the Shelby's lacked in there master's today, because even if she didn't have the words,
they were good in reading eyes.

Ada let herself fall into a light slumber, with her baby by her side, aunt polly in the kitchen. Although they were all in for a rude awakening as Tommy stormed through the door.
"Ada you and the baby, get to the bullring now" jumping slightly, she didn't waste a second rising from her seat "what why?" she questioned, slightly panicked.
"we've been fucking betrayed" he stated, pacing up and down the living room. "but you can handle them right?"
polly made her appearance known by her apprehensive question.
"they outnumber us, the lees are on their way to races already" his tone slightly concerning his aunt.
"who else knew about black star day Thomas?" she questioned,realisation flooding both their faces.
"there's only one thing that can blind a man as smart as you Thomas, love" she spoke, knowingly.
"what Lottie wouldn't do that?" ada perplexed glancing back and fourth between the pair, only adding insult to injury.
"that barmaid" polly scolded, ada wincing slightly.
"for fucks sake tommy, you can't love two girls at once!" ada added, feeling the second hand pain for the girl she saw as a sister.
"i don't love her" he spoke quietly,unwavering amounts of regret in his tone.
"Charlotte warned you about grace so you got close to her, thinking you'd catch her out but then you dismissed it all because you saw something in her, didn't you?" polly stated, and just by Tommy's reaction she knew she had hit the nail on the head.
"your a fucking idiot tommy" ada scoffed, in slight disbelief.
Closing his eyes in regret, he cleared his throat, reminding himself of the current problem he had at hand before leaving the room, heading for the door.
However the door opened just as he could get to it, revealing Charlotte who had come to bid her goodbyes to the Shelby girls.
"Lottie get to the bullring with ada now" he demanded before leaving the home, knowing that if he set eyes on her he'd break, and that's something he couldn't afford to do right now.
Within his frantic state, he missed the pained eyes that looked back at him, narrating all he needed to know.
Turning the corner she met the women who gazed at her, instantly noticing her current state. As polly pulled her into her embrace, she fought to stop the sob leaving her weakened frame, her eyes threatening streams of tears. Neither of the woman said anything, they knew,however they also knew Charlotte wouldn't want the words, the "comforting" words that wouldn't provide any comfort at all.
"Lottie your coming with me" polly nodded in a gentle tone, hoping to provide some clarity.

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