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Charlotte tossed and turned in the bed of aunt pols spare room, the one that had become her own after the passing of her mother in 1917, which filled her own house with a sense of eeriness that she was eager to avoid, this way also she was able to help polly out with john's children.

Lottie was unable to reach her older brother, Jordan Windsor during the last year of the war, nethertheless she sent multiple letters hopeful that one day she would get one in return. That day however,never came,leaving charlotte under the impression that her older brother had no knowledge of their mothers death. The pair were always close growing up specifically after the death of their father when charlotte was only 7 years old, Jordan 11.

Jordan Windsor, was a gentleman and a good man. Always prioritising his mother and sister before anything and anyone else, Lottie looked up to her brother appreciating his morals and how he stepped up to provide for their family due to the absence of their father. However his "providence" meant he was caught up with the peaky blinder business, much to charlotte's dismay polly claimed it was inevitable due to Jordan's close relationship with the Shelby brothers. Particularly Arthur, the boys were the same age meaning they developed a close bond throughout the years of their childhood. Although Jordan isn't much like Arthur at all, he's a calm man who holds his composure well however don't get him wrong, when he goes he goes and there isn't much anyone can do to stop him. The Shelby brothers pride Jordan on his fighting, claiming him to be the best fighter out of them all, although this isn't seen very often it's well known that if any harm came to his sister, they'd be hell to pay.

Deep in her thoughts, Charlotte was almost jumped through her skin as ada burst into her room. "Bloody hell ada, scared me half to death"
"They're coming home lotts, they're coming home!" Charlotte's heart came to the mouth at the girl's word's, almost in slight disbelief that the great war might actually be over. "Well don't just sit there, don't you want to look pretty for tommy, come on!" Charlotte let a wide smile fall on her face
"Okay, Okay!"

Lottie put on a gorgeous silk pink dress that hugged her figure beautifully, letting her long dark hair fall down her back in light curls, the summer had been kind to her leaving her skin a golden tan, Oh and her eyes... a stunning shade of green that could bring any man to his knees. The windsor girl had always been beautiful, however since the boys had gone she had grown into herself,if you like. Now she was undeniably stunning.

Polly and Ada watched as she walked towards them,all three girls overjoyed. "Tommy's gonna be on his knees when he sees you doll" charlotte smiled appreciatively in response "Oh you don't know pol, might of found himself a french barmaid" earning a scoff from ada in return "not one that could compete with you lottie" laughing charlotte linked her arm with ada's "well i know you fancy freddie thorne, so let's go and show him the beautiful women you've become" blushing ada fell into a walk towards the train station. "Come on girls"

"Can you see em? Lottie can you see em!" Charlotte scanned the station that was packed full of soldiers and family's before her eyes fell onto John who held an expression that could only be described as astonished. "come on ades they're here!" the girls fell into a quick walk before lottie jumped into johns arms. "Johnny boyy, how i've missed you" she sighed,one of contentment. "Well bloody hell lotts,something you've become thought i was looking at a fucking film star eh!" he chuckled,playfully looking her over once more.
"back and full of compliments i see" charlotte replied in a playful tone.
"Oi Arthur come and look at this" john shouted before his little sister leaped into his arms. "Well if it isn't bloody charlotte windsor eh? still annoyed that tommy got ya before i could, what do you say we run off together, me and you" charlotte let out a genuine laugh at his meaningless flirting before engulfing herself into his arms. "Don't tempt me old man" releasing a hearty laugh from arthur. "Where's Tommy?" Arthur only smirked before moving to the side, displaying tommy stood in perfect eyeline. Tommy dropped what consumed his hands before opening up his arms for the girl. Within seconds lottie was mindlessly running towards him, throwing her arms round his neck as she reached him. For a fraction of a second Tommy felt himself tense up, before tightly wrapping his arms round her, melting into her touch he had longed for. "I've missed you so much Tommy" she whispered, her head in the crevice of his neck. Tommy let himself inhale her familiar scent, "Lottie girl, i've missed you so fucking much" he spoke through a sigh, the war with all it's might and malicious ways convinced tommy that he would never see his Lottie or any of his family at that ever again, it was something he had mindlessly come to terms with in the trenches years ago, now four years on as he stood face to face with her, he couldn't even explain the pure feeling of contentment and relief he was a victim to.
Taking a step back Charlotte gently took his face in her hands,not failing to notice the significantly colder look in his eyes, the pair that once held arrays of emotion. "well if you could get anymore beautiful,eh?" Tommy smiled, breaking the known silence between the pair,giggling in reply she let herself fall into his embrace once again, Tommy's hold on her tightening almost as if he was afraid she was going to disappear.

"Where's Tommy?" Ada questioned her family before polly gestured her head toward's the couple.
"Where do you think?" she chuckled a small smirk on her lips, causing the Shelby's to turn in unison all eyes now falling in direction of the couple. "Let him see her ada, he'll be over in a minute."
Shortly after, the pair made their way over, tommy's hand lightly on her lower back, before he was engulfed tightly by the Shelby girls.
"Where's my brother?" charlotte said full of excitement to see her elder brother,before noticing the boys faces drop in unison. Clearing his throat, Arthur turnt towards the girl "Um, we don't know lottie girl we haven't seen him for months." Charlottes heart sunk as she unwillingly felt the tears brim her eyes before she heard the clearing of someone's throat. Turning around she became face to face with Jordan who stood infront of the family, a smug smile on his face, "you didn't think you'd get rid of me that easily,did ya?" lottie let out a gasp of relief before running over to her brother soon joined by the shelby boys.

The Shelby's and Windsors sat in the garrison, that was full of family's celebrating the return of their soldiers. Lottie sat in the lap of Tommy's as they spoke of everything that had gone on whilst he had been away, tommy let his eyes linger over his girl slightly longer then usual as she spoke, reviling in the fact he was back with the one person who brought him peace and comfort. "Lottie" Jordan called from over the table in the snug gaining the family's attention. "Where's Mum?" Polly and Ada's faces dropped as confusion was written all over the shelby brothers instead. "You didn't get my letters" charlotte voiced,hurt written all over it. "What letters lott? where is she?" concerned riddled his also. Charlotte let her head fall as she played with her hands, which tommy quickly picked up on as it's something she frequently does when she's uncomfortable.
"She's gone jord, influenza, last year... i promise i wrote to you but-" Charlottes voice became evidently quieter "I'm Sorry" Jordan's face fell, a certain pain written all over his face,enough to make the shelby boys wince.
"She's gone" jordan repeated in a hoarse voice to which charlotte only nodded. Jordan also only nodded before slamming his drink down and leaving the pub. Charlotte glanced over to tommy with tearful eye's.
"Come here"as she let herself silently sob into him.


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