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The final day of the assumed unbearable boat ride down to London was commencing, however it wasn't actually unbearable at all. With their states it meant they were able to fall into a deep sleep that quite literally lasted three days, everytime curly would go and check on them he'd see the same image everytime, Tommy's head in her lap, her hands ruffled through his hair. It always brought a giddy smile to Curly's face, he'd always loved Tommy's Charlotte.

Luckily enough, Charlotte had been able to grab a fresh dress and so on meaning she was able to freshen up before departing off the boat.
"What are we actually doing here tom?" she questioned, her expression clear she wasn't going to believe his lies.
"There's business that needs to be done Lottie, that's all" he spoke, taking her hand in his as they made their way down the streets of London. Scoffing lightly, she muttered under her breath.
"when is there not"
"Charlotte please could we get an autograph!" a shout from a younger girl caught their attention from across the street. Charlotte internally winced at the remark, she had purposely worn one of her bigger hats and walked with her head down to avoid being recognised. Of course she had only done this because she still had a nasty black eye, and didn't really feel like being the topic of that week's newspaper once again. "Fuck" she muttered, the pair watching as other on-goers had noticed Charlotte's presence and simultaneously made their way over. "Hello, how are you?" Charlotte smiled, printing her signature on to whatever was passed to her, albeit all with her head directed towards the floor.
"My little sisters a big fan of yours, she wanted to say hello" a deeper voice caught Charlotte's attention, she sent a small smile towards the man before leaning down to speak with the petite fan. Tommy had waited patiently, feeling a sense of pride as he watched with an inner smile, simultaneously growing annoyed by the group of girls that lingered around him giddily, eager to get a conversation out of him.
His annoyance however drastically formed into pure anger, as he watched the man's eye-line follow charlotte's cleavage as she kneeled down. In that very moment, he thought of a lot of things he wanted to do, right there and then. However he knew Charlotte would be less than pleased if he caused a scene, so in an act of impulse he sent a polite nod toward's the fan's before grabbing Charlotte's hand and leading them away from the forming crowd.
Frowning slightly, charlotte let her hand mould comfortably in his before turning her head towards him.
"That was rude" she scowled, watching as he shook his head. "you didn't see the way he was looking at you" he replied, his gaze remaining ahead of him. "Still, that was rude" she added.
"Charlotte, i would of done something a lot ruder,if i wasn't thinking of you" he firmly spoke, Charlotte immediately becoming aware of what he was referring to. "oh how lovely of you" she spoke just under her breath, sarcasm riddling her tone.

As the pair stood outside of Alfie's bakery, Charlotte furrowed her eyebrows lightly as she watched Tommy turn towards her with a small concerned expression on his face.
"Lottie, alfie will probably say some things that-." Tommy started, however before he could finish Charlotte had swiftly cut him off.
"Tommy i know how to deal with Alfie" she let out a small chuckle, reminding Tommy of the friendship formed between the pair.
Nodding with a disapproving expression on his face, Charlotte linked her arm in his. "come on then, let's get this over with" she added, making their way in.
As much as Charlotte loved Alfie, she couldn't lie and say she was to eager to be in this situation with him. Whenever she would return to London she would see him, retaining the friendship between them. However she always kept her life at home separate, in other words she never uttered a word about Tommy to him. So being in the presence of both wasn't going to be fun, and she was well aware of that.
However of course, if it needs to be done for her Tommy she'd do it, that's something she had made painstakingly obvious throughout the entirety of their relationship. Now made no exceptions.
Undeniably she's dealt with bigger and badder then Alfie Solomons.

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