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A/N: this is really just another impulse write up while I'm drawing the rough plot for the ABO series, it's going to be even shorter than the vampire series. Maybe even less than 10 EPs. really just based on Dunk's snow prince pics and Joong's pics that came about around that same time. so no background, we are going straight in. Excuse my English error, this is an unbeta-d series and English is not my first language. Not a Thai speaker so don't quote it. Hope you enjoy😊😊


He had no idea how he ended up here. It had all started with fun and game. Joong had been feeling a little lost in life. He didn't know where that sense of emptiness and hopelessness came from. Nothing seemed to bring him joy anymore. Est, Daou and Offroad had dragged him to Sapporo to unwind from their hectic schedule. They hope that it will bring him the spark that he had been looking for. It sort of did. They were having so much playing in the snow trying to outclimb each other on the slippery slope. Most of them were tumbling down on their way, Joong didn't know how he managed to get this far. A little too far perhaps. A snow storm came out of nowhere as he was trying to find his way back. There really was nowhere to hide in the open forest.

So, here he was. He didn't know how long he had been lying in the snow. He was in and out of consciousness. He thought he was dreaming when he saw him.

Why would someone wear a long coat with a full on suit In the middle of a snowy forest?

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Why would someone wear a long coat with a full on suit In the middle of a snowy forest?

He bends down to check on Joong. He smiled when he realized that he was alive.

"mei mi lai, norn sii. lap dtaa (it's okay, sleep. Close your eyes.)" he comforted him as he stroked his hair. Joong didn't know why he felt safe with him. He closed eyes.  

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 


A/N: What do you think of it so far? 

this is really just a short series that just randomly came to mind while I'm plotting the ABO series. so, really don't expect too much from it😅😅 If you all like the idea of it maybe I'll develop it to a full series at one point? I'm not sure. 

I may or may not be able to post tomorrow cause it's going to be a busy day for me. If not I'll most likely update on Sunday. 

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