[EP5] On a full moon night

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He hiked towards the direction he last saw Dunk. He was a little more familiar with the environment since he last explored with Dunk. Halfway through his journey, he was shocked to see a wolf snaring at him. 

This wasn't the wolf that Est took picture of

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This wasn't the wolf that Est took picture of. He had fallen to the ground in fear. Before that wolf could advance on him, another wolf shielded him. It huffed at the other fierce looking wolf and it went away. The friendlier wolf looked back at Joong, tilting its head as it tried to make sense if Joong was okay a not. Joong stared into its eyes and couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity. 

"Dunk?" Joong asked in disbelief. The wolf lolled its tongue out as if it's trying to smile and laugh at the same time.  He didn't know why the idea didn't seem too absurd to him. Dunk's childlike wonder when he brought him to town was a dead give away. Joong had already suspected since he saw the photo that Est took of the first wolf they encountered. 

Joong had laughed as he petted Dunk's head. Dunk seemed to enjoy those head pets. He had followed Dunk as he beckoned him to follow him. He couldn't believe his eyes as he saw various animals circling a white tree. It looked magical with an ethereal glow around it.

 It was as if they were dancing around the tree and Dunk had urged him to dance along

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 It was as if they were dancing around the tree and Dunk had urged him to dance along. Joong had laughed when Dunk ran around playfully. Dunk had turned back to his human form, laughing as he flopped to the snowy ground with Joong beside him after the ceremony was done. He was making a snow angel while he was at it. Joong had followed suit. He had not felt as light hearted as he had today. It was the most fun that he had in years. He looked towards Dunk as he laughed. He now understood why Dunk never changed his clothes, his clothes were a part of him.

"Hope you enjoyed it. It's the moon festival today. Ah, I almost forgot. Wait here a minute, I'll get you a cup of moonshine." Dunk stood up, Joong smiled as he looked at his retreating form. He sat up instead of lying down as he waited. He saw the shadow of a person looming above him before looking up. He thinks it was the wolf who wanted to attack him before.

"You will be the death of our Prince!" he snarled.

"Pond, yuud (stop)!" Another person called out before Pond could do anything. He huffed and walked away.

"Sorry about that, I'm Phuwin. Don't mind Pond. Our kind don't interact with humans in general. He is worried about Dunk." Phuwin tried to get Joong to understand.

"Dunk is a Prince?" Joong asked in disbelief. Phuwin laughed.

"He won't agree with that term but that's our sentiment. He is the guardian of this snowy forest. Everything in this forest, all the life you see here is under his protection. He is the Snow Prince to all of us." Joong nodded. When Dunk came back, Phuwin left. Joong was amazed on how it was possible to make a cup out of leaves but it had somehow worked. The moonshine that Dunk mentioned tasted amazing with a tinge of alcohol in it. 

"Don't drink too fast though. You might think it's light but you can easily pass out from it." he pointed to a rabbit who just passed out. Its friends dragging it away as they looked on. He didn't know it was possible for a rabbit to look annoyed but at that moment they did. Joong couldn't help but burst out laughing. Dunk chuckled along with him. 

Joong and Dunk had a jovial time as they drank and spoke about everything and anything. Joong couldn't help but be mesmerized by Dunk's features. The way he looked under the glow of the moon. He wondered if it was the moonshine, he couldn't stop staring at Dunk's moist, soft lips. He didn't know what propelled him to kiss Dunk but he did. He was surprised when Dunk kissed back but Dunk had stopped before things could go further. 

Dunk stood up in alert all of a sudden. He gave out a high-pitched whistle. All the animals scattered. He urged Joong to run, while he made sure that all the animals were safe. Joong didn't get far before he heard the sound of the hunting dogs. He managed to run to the magical tree before the dogs lunged towards him. Dunk had turned back to his wolf form and sink his teeth into the dog, flinging it to the side like a rag doll. It was an intense fight between Dunk and the rest of the hunting dogs. Joong could only watch in fear for Dunk's safety. Dunk had managed to fight off all the dogs. He turned towards Joong with as much of a smile that a wolf can make before gunshots were heard.

"Dunk!!" Joong shouted before seeing Dunk's wolf form fall to the ground. He sees red spreading through Dunk's fur. He had tried to smile through his pain to comfort Joong. Joong couldn't stop the tears from flowing.

"No, Dunk, please no... Don't leave me... I love you... I love you" He hugged Dun's wolf form crying in desperation. But he felt it as Dunk gave out his last breath. Dunk's blood spreading to the ground underneath him. He saw the magical tree lose its glow. Joong cried out in anguish before losing consciousness.

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 


A/N: 😅😅It was cute and fluffy while it lasted. Move on, move on 😅😅 

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