[EP4] I don't want to miss a moment with you

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Joong was ecstatic when he saw Dunk the next day. He couldn't help but wonder why he wore the same clothes that he saw him wear for the past two days but yet smell so fresh. Dunk was truly a wonder to him. 

He looked on as Dunk became childlike. His eyes lit up with interest as he took him down the hill in a cable car. He stuck his face at the window in wonder before taking out his camera. He continuously snap pictures of the view. Joong smiled at his action. There was a small whisper in his head that thinks he looked kind of cute and pretty at the same time. 

Joong broke out of his reverie when they reached the town at the foot of the hill

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Joong broke out of his reverie when they reached the town at the foot of the hill. Dunk's childlike wonder at everything he saw amused Joong to no end. When they reached the restaurant, Joong had decided to order for them since Dunk was busy taking in the view, trying his best to capture what was in sight. When their food arrived, Dunk's eyes widen. It felt as if he had never been to a restaurant before. Joong couldn't help but smile at his reaction and took pictures of his childlike wonder. 

 Joong blushed when Dunk moaned from how good the food tasted

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 Joong blushed when Dunk moaned from how good the food tasted. Dunk tiled his head as he wondered if there was something wrong. Joong waved it off. Dunk picked up some food with his chopsticks and offered it to Joong. Joong ate it shyly. He didn't know why his heart was thumping this hard at Dunk's action. 

Joong looked at the time when they finished their meal. He realized they could very well go into the city and be back before sundown with how much Dunk enjoyed his time here, in this town. But Dunk declined. 

"I have travelled too far as it is. This is the furthest I can go." Joong was confused by what he meant but he didn't get to contemplate on his response as Dunk's smile was disarming. He  asked if he would like to go sightseeing instead since they were already in town. He truly didn't want his time with Dunk to end. He was relieved when Dunk had nodded enthusiastically. 

That's when he realized that Dunk was a foodie through and through. They had practically tasted every street food in town. He laughed when Dunk dragged him to the next stall. Dunk had no qualms feeding Joong food that he thought tasted good. Joong had mirrored his behaviour and smiled at his response as his eyes brighten at the taste. He had a sudden realization that he hadn't stop laughing and smiling since the start of day. He looked at the source of his happiness. Dunk was currently curiously playing with a trinket in the tourist shop. There was something about Dunk that attracted him. Apart from his cute action today. There was this air of mystery around him that he couldn't seem to figure out. He broke out of his reverie when Dunk called to him. 


They took the cable car back to the hill top as he noticed the sky was getting dark. He had to ask Dunk out once again when they reached the resort. He really didn't want to part with Dunk if it was possible. Dunk had nodded and had even volunteered to bring him around the area of the resort to explore. 

The next day, Dunk had brought Joong to places that not even the locals know about. He brought him to the outskirt of the forest and told him a little history of the place and what to look out for. It was his turn to be fascinated. When Joong asked if he could meet him again tomorrow, Dunk had looked towards the darkening sky.

"It's gonna be a full moon tomorrow. I don't think I'll be able to meet you." Dunk said sadly. Joong tried to cheer him up by saying that it was fine. He could meet him another day. 


But the fact was, Joong wasn't fine. He wasn't happy that he couldn't meet up with Dunk. It might have only been 3 days but he had never in his life connected with someone so deeply as he had with Dunk. Images of how his face lit up like a kid when he come across something new, how he looked mature when he explained about the forest, how he laughed at Joong's jokes and how he expressed interest in Joong's world. He couldn't help but feel special in Dunk's eyes. He groaned. Est had never seen anyone sulk on a vacation, especially one Joong Archen Aydin.

"Gert alai kuen? (what happened)" Offroad looked at him with concern.

"bpao (no)" Joong sighed. Daou had chuckled beside Offroad.

"Where's your faen (boyfriend)?" Joong blushed at Daou's question while denying that he has one.

"You ditch us for him for the past 2 days and you're telling us there's no one?" Joong contemplated on whether to them the truth before deciding to just go with it.

"He can't meet me today." Joong sighed.

"Doesn't mean you can't meet him. You know where he stays?" Daou said.

"Phi Daou, you are brilliant!" He gave Daou a hug before preparing for the hike to meet Dunk.

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 


A/N: Is it as cute and fluffy to you as it is to me? I've only done one cute series... the fledgling vampire under my care... I'm more prone to angst 🤣🤣

This series may or may not end tomorrow? Cause it is a short series. This is the first time that I can't really tell cause it's an impulse write up🤣🤣

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