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The next thing that Joong noticed was waking up to a warm bed. When he woke up, he saw the concerned look of Est, Daou and Offroad hovering near his bed. Daou had reprimanded him for going off on his own. They were finding him for hours. Joong asked if they saw that man in the long coat. They were confused.

Offroad had told him all that transpired when he was lost. They had gone to the resort to get help and just as they were heading back out, they saw a wolf to their surprise. The locals were chasing it away, that's when they saw him lying on the ground.

The locals had mentioned it was rare for a wolf be sighted this time of the year and so near human settlement. The locals had asked them to be careful when they go out from now onwards until they have captured or kill that wolf. Joong was confused when they mentioned wolf as he didn't remember seeing any animals when he was out. Est showed him the picture of the wolf he took. It felt somewhat familiar to him. It was its eyes- it held the same warm gaze as that stranger who saved him.

 It was its eyes- it held the same warm gaze as that stranger who saved him

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~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 


A/N: Surprise? I think I forgot to mention in the previous EP that this is a fantasy AU, I've updated in the summary section 😅😅

Have to thank allaboutnia on twitter/ X for the pic above. When I saw the combination she put I'm like 🤔🤔 ABO series? But I'm already working on one and it didn't exactly matched the rough idea that I had in mind... so fantasy series it is. 🤣🤣

I really do hope this series is as cute and fluffy as I think it is. 😅😅

** A super short EP today cause it's been a long and tiring day for me. I promise 2 EP tomorrow to make up for it. 

Can't believe so much happened on my busiest day... Dunk and Phuwin kissed Pond??? 🙀🙀 Does it call for threesome series?🤣🤣 lo len, lo len. mai grood. (kidding, kidding, don't be angry)

Joong should up his game and ask Dunk for a kiss on his birthday, Dunk can't back out now, now that he kissed Pond on his birthday. 🤣🤣

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