[EP3] I just want to see him again

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Joong couldn't help thinking about the stranger or should he say his rescuer. All his friends were against it but he wanted to thank him for saving him. He was a lot more prepared this round. He wore thicker clothes. He had trekking poles in hand to help him trek his way through. He just needed to see him one more time. He tried to follow his previous trek but he wasn't sure if he was in the right direction. After 20 minutes in, he realized he was lost once again. As he gazed around, all he could see was the vast plane of the forest covered in snow. There really wasn't much of a landmark to show him where he came from and where to go.

"Are you lost again, stranger?" he heard the low timbre voice from behind him. He can't help but sigh in relieved when he realized it was him.

"Thank God, it's you

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"Thank God, it's you. I just want to thank you for saving me yesterday." Joong said with a smile.

"You want to thank me by getting lost again?" The stranger teased. Joong laughed sheepishly.

"I'm Joong and you are?" He wondered what was his name, he can't keep calling him stranger.

"Dunk" he said with a smile. He guided him out of the snowy forest.

Joong didn't know how Dunk was able to trek out of the forest so gracefully and effortlessly while he fumbled even with his trekking poles. Dunk had helped him out as he stumbled. He couldn't help but blush. When they reached the resort, Joong asked if it was possible to see him again. He really wanted to get to know him more. Dunk was deep in thought as he contemplated.

"Sure, I can meet you here but you really shouldn't go back to the forest alone. It's dangerous for you" Joong nodded enthusiastically at the prospect of meeting Dunk again. He promised him that he'll treat him to a good meal for all that he had done for him. Dunk had smiled and waved goodbye. He watched as Dunk disappeared into the snowy view. Joong was so excited, he couldn't wait for tomorrow to come.  

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 


A/N: I only just realized I didn't give my EPs a title for the past two EPs. 🤣🤣 I usually name them after writing the EP. Guess I forgot in my haste. khoord tord na kha. sorry about that. 

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