Chapter 1: Sparks

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This story/fan fiction starts a few weeks after the anime adaptation/movie. Hope you guys enjoy!

The last few weeks had left Kim Pine contemplating the elusive nature of sparks, those magical connections that seemed to light up the room when lips met. Observing Scott and Ramona, or even Wallace and his newfound flame, it was evident that these sparks were highly subjective.

Kim sighed, inwardly begging Scott and Ramona to tone down their public displays of affection. Witnessing their make-out sessions felt more nauseating than enchanting, and she couldn't stomach the constant spectacle.

The catalyst for Kim's contemplation had been the recent chaos at her workplace – a near-destruction orchestrated by one of Ramona's eccentric, and still somewhat villainous, exes. In the aftermath, a surprising offer had come from the blonde ex, proposing a kiss with Kim. It seemed like a final jab at Ramona, but Kim agreed, mostly for the sheer hell of it.

As their lips met, there were no fireworks, no magical connection. Just the soft press of lips against her own and an unexpected emptiness after the other woman retreated. Kim purposefully brushed off the cold aftermath, refusing to dwell on the peculiar encounter.

Days passed, yet the memory lingered. Kim grappled with the unsettling feeling that stayed with her. The usual banter with Scott at band practice couldn't drown out the echoes of that kiss. She felt a need for something more, something that transcended the mundane connections she'd experienced.

In the dimly lit bar where the band often gathered, Kim found herself seated across from Scott, nursing a drink. She hesitated for a moment, then blurted out, "Do you ever wonder if there's supposed to be more to a kiss? Like, some magical connection or spark?"

Scott, oblivious as ever, shrugged. "I dunno, Kim. Kissing's just kissing, right?"

Kim rolled her eyes, frustration bubbling beneath the surface. "Not for me, apparently. It's like I'm missing out on something everyone else gets. Ramona, you, even Wallace with his new boytoy. They all seem to light up, and I'm just sitting here wondering what the fuss is about."

Scott scratched his head, "Well, maybe you just haven't found the right person yet. Someone who'll make your world explode with sparks or whatever."

Kim shot him a deadpan look. "Real helpful, Scott."

As Kim pondered Scott's somewhat unhelpful advice, a familiar figure walked into the bar – Wallace, with his signature smirk and a new companion by his side.

"Hey, guys! Meet Brendan, my latest conquest!" Wallace announced, introducing his boyfriend to the group.

Brendan waved awkwardly, and Kim couldn't help but notice the subtle spark between them. It was evident in the glances they exchanged, the shared laughter, the chemistry that seemed to flow effortlessly.

Kim's frustration deepened, realizing that even Wallace, in his perpetually carefree demeanor, had found a connection that eluded her. She excused herself from the table, needing a moment alone to process her thoughts.

In the quiet alley outside the bar, Kim leaned against the brick wall, feeling the cool night air against her skin. The city sounds buzzed around her as she stared up at the starless sky.

"Hey, Kim."

Startled, she turned to find Scott standing beside her, a concerned expression on his face. "You okay?"

Kim sighed, rubbing her temples. "I don't know, Scott. It just feels like everyone's got something special, some magical connection, and I'm just floating through."

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