Welcome to my New Story!

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Ahh, hello!

Welcome to my new story! In all honestly, I learned quite a bit from writing FMTO and planned this story's plotline out a bit better, hopefully, so I hope the plot is a little less chaotic and a lot less all over the place than my first book was.

If you're following me over to this book from FMTO, then thank you for the continued support. <3 If you're a new reader on my page, thank you for giving my stories a chance!

As always, I love you all so much, have a wonderful day and/or evening and see you next Tuesday!

Similar to FMTO, I rated the story mature for mostly personal reasons. I'm fully aware most of my scenes aren't overly descriptive or anything, but again, for my own reasons I'm leaving my stories as rated mature.


The rest of this note is just some overall information if you're interested, feel free to skip over it!

"Love is for Show" (LIFS) will have weekly Tuesday updates just like FMTO!

LIFS is one of my few stories I have started writing when the ideas started popping up. I kept going back and forth between which story to start posting here next, but ultimately went with this one in the end and I hope you all enjoy it!

Two of my other stories actually have more fantasy elements to it, one of them being about soulmate bonds and such. I just wasn't too confident in my own skill to be posting those publicly just yet. One of them is a relationship between three men, the other between four again. I have ideas written down between a heterosexual couple, another between two guys and one more between five men.

So yes, my ideas behind the scenes are very versatile.

I suppose this story is both me 'playing it safe' and hopefully it'll also develop my skills further as the plot continues.

With all of that being said, enjoy "Love is for Show" and thank you all again for all of the love and support!

~ N

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