23 - You... What?

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A whirring sound that sounds nothing like my usual alarm makes my eyes begrudgingly pull open. Where's that sound even coming from?

It sounds like something scraping along metal coming from the living room?

Slowly, I sit up and glance around the room. Wait, this isn't my room...

A hand winding around my waist pulls me back down and my head flops back onto a pillow right in front of a groaning Aiden. I suck in a gulp of breath and watch his eyes slowly blink open as his bright strands of hair fall in front of his face and slip by his mouth where they're fluttered around by his warm breath.

His hand finds my hip and gives it a small squeeze before his eyes fall shut once again.

So close...

My heart thundering about in my chest drowns out whatever that whirring sound is and the sight of his hair tickling his twitching nose completely distracts me from trying to get back up again.

With shaky hands, I gently slide my arm up to push his hair back up and out of his face. I can see every detail, every mark and mole on his beautiful face from this proximity. I wrap a stray strand behind his ear, earning me a small smile that curves on his slightly chapped lips.

The sounds of his rhythmic inhales and exhales lulls me back into a sleepy state. With one final tug to his hair and a small squeeze to my hip, I slip back into my unconsciousness for a little bit longer.

A clicking sound echoing across the hallway and into the guest bedroom, that's twice the size of my own room at my apartment might I add, followed by some shuffling wakes me back up. Feeling a weight and warmth still tightly wrapped around my waist throws a feeling of relief over me for some reason and as I turn my head back, I see a smiling Aiden looking back at me.

"Mornin' sleepy head,"

Somehow, he already has me laughing this early in the morning. He never used to be this gentle waking up, he would be the first to jump all over me to get me up.

"You're the sleepy head in this scenario," I whisper back.

He tucks his head into the nape of my neck, tickling my skin and prompting goosebumps down my spine.

Am I the only one concerned that we might be a little too... comfortable with each other right now?

"How so?"

"You're the one who pulled me back to bed earlier,"

That has him pulling back enough for me to turn around and eye his 'thinking face'. I purse my lips to hide my grin as his eyes spark up in recognition.

"Oh yeahhh..."

A thud coming from somewhere makes me jump out of his arms and I whip my eyes towards the half open door.

Furrowing my eyebrows, I look over at Aiden who seems even more awake as he slowly slips out of the covers.

"They're home!"

His arms stretch above his head, pulling his muscles up and I end up in a trance as I watch the light coming from the windows hit the surface of his skin, making him look like he was carved straight out of his own paintings.

How can someone be so beautiful this early in the morning?

I shake my head out of it and follow him out the door. The first thing I notice while Aiden runs down the stairs, are the open curtains that I'm sure we shut last night before bed. My eyes don't leave the curtains as I shuffle my way over to the duo who look even more exhausted than when they first left...

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