21 - The Nerve of That Guy!

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Out of nowhere, Aiden bursts into a fit of uncontrollable laughter, all the while shuffling closer to me.

"I knew it," he gasps out, stopping right behind the couch and staring down at me with pure elation lighting up his eyes.

"Knew what?" I sit up further.

To my complete surprise, he lifts a hand, placing it on my head and deftly, almost absentmindedly, runs his fingers through my hair. "I knew you would end up liking it here,"

"Who said I like it here?"

He smirks down at me, "you wouldn't be here if you didn't like it,"

It takes whatever remaining energy I have left at this point to keep my eyes open. I don't know what must've come over him to be combing through my hair strands like this; as if it was the most casual thing, but I find it even more strange that I'm not complaining about it.

"Thank goodness I always end up getting extra food whenever it's my turn to get groceries,"

His turn?

Just how close did they get in these past couple months to now be rotating these different chores?

A small tug to my hair pulls me back out of my thoughts with my eyes flitting upwards to him right before he takes a step back and looks over at the other two lost in their own whispered conversation.

"Are you guys ready to leave?"

They both nod and start packing away their things. My eyes wander back over to the painting while we wait. With a tug to his sleeve, I grasp his attention again and nod over at the painting hanging by the wall in front of us.

He rubs his palm along the back of his neck, a sheepish grin taking over his face. "Ah, you noticed that,"

"Of course I did,"

His eyes fall back to mine and it's my turn to look away with my lips pinched together.

"Do you like it?" He asks, while taking a seat beside me since the others are getting wrapped up in their own world again somewhere behind us.

"I do, it's different from your other pieces,"

His eyes widen slightly before he looks down at his lap where his fingers are tying together over and over again. That's when I realize I basically just admitted I've been keeping up with his work in the past. Great job, Nathan.

"I tried to match some of Kal's vibe with this painting, that's why it's a bit different,"

I slowly nod, recognizing the touches of sleek lines and darker undertones that definitely set this piece apart from Aiden's other works. It's beautiful just like the others. No doubt about it.

"Come on guys, let's get out of here!" Elias announces, looking more than ready for a change of scenery. Ever since lunch, we've basically kept ourselves cooped in here. Not that I'm necessarily complaining, I just felt awkward sitting here and watching them work themselves to the bone all afternoon.

I must've shown a little too much excitement for some fresh air since I'm pretty much the first one heading toward the doors.

Slowly, my head turns to look back at the others and I see Axford giving me a, what I assume to be, apologetic smile.

"Sorry, Nathan, you must've been bored staying in here with us all day,"

Elias pokes his head out from beside him and looks over at the couch that most likely has an imprint of my butt at this point. Quickly, I shake my head with a little too much vigor.

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