15 - Please help?

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It's been a few weeks since I last saw Aiden. Not either of our faults, we've both been busy. Exams for me and art commissions he's been putting off for too long for him. Which means, I've been getting a few weeks distance from him and despite having my head stuck in books for days and days on end, he's always been a lingering thought in the back of my mind. Some days thoughts of him were louder than others, but he was there  all the same.

I was honestly starting to think I was going insane. I mean, how can I can I still be hung up on him even after all of this time? He's not even here right now and I'm still thinking about when we might see each other next.

My phone buzzes and I look to the side of my laptop to see a notification from my mom. It'd be a miracle if I do decent on any of these exams at this point with all of these new developments in my life. Having this new communication with my mom alongside whatever Aiden and I are doing right now? Not even to mention the additional dynamic with Elias and Axford...

There's a lot going on...

A particularly loud chaos of honking outside snaps me back. Looking down at my textbook, I quickly realize I'm still at the same paragraph I've been attempting to read for the umpteenth time in the past hour.

With a long and tired exhale, I slide my study stuff to the side and pull my guitar out. However, all plans to start on a new melody flies out the window the second my phone starts blaring my incoming call ringtone.



"Nathan! Hi, oh my goodness- Thank you so  much picking up!"

For a second, I short circuit. I pull my phone away from my ear, blink rapidly at the caller ID, awkwardly look away and out the window before ever so slowly placing the device connecting Elias' voice and mine to my ear again.

"Are you okay?"

"No- Yes! I mean, technically, yes..." some ruffling sounds tickle my ear. "I'm just stressing out right now and I- we kinda need your help,"

"What's wrong?" I squeeze my phone between my ear and shoulder while tucking my guitar back into its place.

"Um, basically... it's a really long story, do you think you could please maybe come over?"

"Come over where?"

There's a long pause of just silence. That is in itself an answer, but I have a little bit of hope.

"To Kalen's..."

I nearly drop my phone and hang up then and there. My mouth's already preparing to say no and my mind has already made up its mind with a thousand no's.

Yet, in that millisecond it takes for the word to actually form out of my mouth, I hesitate. The desperation in his tone. His small puffs of air that indicate his rushing around. The stress practically radiating off of my phone. And the simple fact that he called me out of all people...

"Please?" He whispers. So soft I'm surprised his phone even picked it up.

And with one last sigh and a slight drop of my head, I finally respond: "Alright,"

I don't think I've felt my heart pound this much since I first saw Aiden a little while back. Blood's rushing to my head at an incomprehensible speed and my fingers are twitching in the pockets of my hoodie as I take another step closer to the fancy penthouse apartments. The same apartments I thought I wouldn't be seeing again anytime soon.

I sneak a glance at the time on my watch and we're fast approaching 8 o' clock. I'll just have a late dinner tonight.

Despite me trying to hype myself up the entire walk from the bus stop to the building, my feet slow down the closer I get. Maybe if I slow down enough, he might call again and let me know my help's no longer needed. I'm not even sure how I'm supposed to be of any help in the first place anyway.

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