Introductions and first impressions.

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Masayoshi Hashimoto's PoV

Today was going to be exciting, I'm currently inside a bus going toward my new schools ANHS a school for the so called Elite a place that supposedly offers a 100% chance of success at getting those who graduates from there the jobs of their dreams.

While  I'm not entirely buying this I'm still intrigued, though in my mind I planned on just relaxing and doing what is necessary to graduate.

Few things were interesting though, first it was a boarding school that completely forbids outside interaction totaly, usually you would not find such a restriction for a boarding school, secondly except the few bits that is shared publicly there is no information available about the school, even graduates refuses to say anything about their time in the school.

In the end the school is a  complete mystery but that's what makes interesting.

The bus finally arrives and what greets me is totally ridiculous the school is more than huge no it's not even a school at this point we're inside a goddamn city, there is everything in there, from convenience store to restaurant and even electronics stores, I could see some bar even...

As I pass by a vending machine I notice that there are prices in there which begs the question of how are we supposed to pay,?

Phones and others items of the sort were prohibited so no way to ask anyone for some allowance, does the school gives some money to everybody?

As I keep walking more and more questions are entering my mind and before I know it I'm in front of my classroom.

Alright this is it , with this my high school life will begin !

taking a big breath I open the door and search for my seat, thankfully the classroom is pretty much empty and  which make easier to see my desk,walking over there I can see that one of my seatmate is already there, mhhh she is quite a pretty girl with purple hair she notice my gaze and scowls at me.

Oh so she is a serious girl which means there is only one thing to do with those kind of person... Tease them at any cost ... What does a couple of slap means when you get to annoy the others !!!!

The seats behind her and this mine are occupied and they seem to be having a little introduction, this time it was a guy with blond hair similar to mine but the end of his hairs was black which give him quite the punk look but it definitely is an interesting fashion for sure.

The girl sitting next to him was also really pretty, long white hair and blue eyes and contrary to my purple haired seatmate she seems welcoming enough.

The boy noticed my gaze and waves at me, no at us as I can see my seatmate looking at him too.

"Yo seems like we'll be together for a while ! nice to meet you I'm Hitoyoshi Zenkichi and this is Nishikawa Ryouko what about the two of you? "

Hmmm He didn't even hesitate, not only that he includes the both of us too.

" I'm kamuro Masumi nice to meet you . " Just like that my confused neighbour introduce herself but I can tell she react more from surprise at being called out than anythong.

I decide to observe them quickly, Nishikawa san seems to be a lively girl judging by how she was engaging with Hitoyoshi san.

Hitoroshi san seems to be really easy going and I'm certain I would have quite some fun hanging out with him.

"Yo my name is Masayoshi Hashimoto, you both seem cool to hang out with hope we'll get along well!" I say while grinning at Hitoyoshi san who grins back at me.

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