Life in the new school with the non equal.

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Zenkichi's Pov

" Hello everyone it's been a day since the last cliffhanger Najimi Ajimu here with our protagonist over there! "

Ajimu was doing her double v pose while winking toward a nonexistent camera she the turns back to me who was stuck doing the double v pose too.

" Finally I can move ! You made me take this pose since the end of the last chapter ... also can you please stop allowing me to use the ability to break the fourth wall ... pretty sure that's something I can't normally do ... "

She turns toward me while pouting.

" Don't be a party pooper I took the time to come and see you and that's what I get?

I guess she is right though I somehow  knew I wouldn't be alone for long knowing those guys.

" Yeah sorry about that , Hmmm I did not expect any of you to come here so soon so I don't have anything ... Wanna go grab something to eat ? " I expected to have horrible news about the state of the school so I wanted to at least have my stomach full before regretting ever coming here.

" My My are you asking me out on a date ? Poor Medaka chan already being cheated on ! " She answers playfully

" Okay guess I'll go alone then see you later then ! " I then step out of the room and close the door immediatly.

Ajimu's PoV

Did he just ... Ohh so you want to play like this okay then let's see how you will respond to some chaos eheheh.

Zenkichi's PoV

I have a really bad feeling, I honestly thought she would just retract her statement and follow me but not only did she not follow me but when I get back into my room she is gone ... That certainly does not presage anything good.

With an anxious mind  go take my shower and go to sleep.

Surprisingly when I wake up I don't see anything worrying in my room, I was expecting some kind of changes into my room or just a prank of any sort but nothing ... I really don't like this my instinct are screaming at me right now I really screwed up yesterday uh.

Even if Ajimu  changed greatly in the last few month she was still a non equal who far surpasses any human in this world ,by nature she got great pride in herself which means... That  she didn't appreciate the little joke from yesterday...

As I was regretting my life decision I hear someone calling my name.

" Oh Zenkichi boy I'm glad to meet you again! " I know this voice 

" Yo koenji nice to see you so early in the day, where are you going right now?"

Koenji Rokusube I met him yesterday in the bus, he was the person who caused a commotion to happen by refusing to give his seat yesterday but he is quite an interesting fellow so we got along just fine.

Flashback to yesterday.

After giving my seat to the elder lady I decided to go and stand up close to the blond boy, as I was going there the girl who was shouting inside the bus came toward me.

" Thank you so much for giving your seat my name is Kushida Kikyo i'm from class D ! "

Please stop with that cutesy voice it's annoying I have been talking to Kumagawa a lot recently and somehow I grew an aversion toward cutesy character ... Oh god he is affecting me !

" Nah it's fine my name is Hitoyoshi Zenkichi I'm from class A nice to meet you. " I say with a grin on my face.

Meanwhile the blond haired man was fixing me with curiosity in his eyes.

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