Meeting with the student council.

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"Hmm ? you want me to help you  set up study groups? "

I went to see Hitoyoshi san before the bell rang, I have been trying to ask for his help but he always leave the classroom before I have the chance to reach him.

" Yes I would like your opinion in how to organize ourselves, I won't lie since I pretty much never had any difficulties in my studies I don't really know how to go about teaching others."

While the majority of our students are pretty good academically a few portion is lacking a bit behind.

Since we believe that the overall score of our class will affect our monthly point we decided to do something about it with Katsuragi.

Speaking of Katsuragi his group  was loosing more and more power as the time pass, since I managed to prove quite a lot of points within the s- system I got the trust of majority of the class quite quickly.

" Hmm is it about the mock exam that is supposed to happen end of the month ? They did say it would not count on our student card ... Oh do you think it will be used to announce something about the S-system? "

I nod.

" It should be at this time after all we are almost at the end of the first month which means distribution of our next points too, they will have to explain why the amount will be different right? "

He grins hearing my thoughts.

" Yeah definitely, alright I'll think about how to help you but not today right now I am planning on going to the student council. "

I was surprised by that he did say he was the previous student council of Hakoniwa academy but does he still want to be in the council even here.

" Yeah I heard Katsuragi was planning on trying too, I thought why not also I have something to talk about with the council president so yeah hit two bird with one stone right ? "

" Oh really ? then I guess we'll have to talk about it another time then good luck Hitoyoshi san. "

he waves at me and leave immediatly.

I decide to go to the library to think in peace with Masumi san  walking next to me making sure nothing bad happens to me.

We arrive at the place I have set up two chairs a little table and a chessboard when I want to relax and think aloud for a bit this is where I go.

" Hmmm Hitoyoshi san is still a mystery... "

" Why are you fixating so much on him ? I understand he seems to be quite gifted but I don't think it's enough to warrant so much attention... " oh it seems I said it outloud and Masumi san responded to me.

" That's because I know how Hakoniwa really works and how they separate their students... wait right maybe I should explain the system to you first. "

So I teached her about normals specials and abnormals.

" So you think Hitoyoshi san is an abnormal ? He seems to be gifted for a lot of things though . "

" Mhh to be truthful abnormals are geniuses by definition they just have one thing where they are the best in the world and no one can compare to them which is the reason we say they are even supernatural to begin with." I explain to her.

" I still don't understand why you're so sure about him being an abnormal, from my point of views he is considerable to you. "she responds.

" Do you think just anyone can be the student council president of Hakoniwa academy ? even if there are a majority of normal student those who are specials or even abnormals holds much more authority then them, you could say that they rule the school do you think they would let someone they don't consider worthy at the top? "

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