Entry 0: My Old Diary Is Like The Bible.

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So picture this; A girl wakes up in her house, and it's the 80s. Simple as that. Nothing weird about it, EXCEPT YESTERDAY IT WAS THE YEAR 2013! And that girl, who just turned fifteen, is me! Wanna know how I can tell it's the 80s? I hear 80s music playing in the background, I actually can't figure out where it's coming from though, and my house looks like a vaporwave monster threw up!
Wait hold, hold on...Did you think I was going to back up and tell you how I got here? Nope! You're gonna take this in along with me!
(I mean well, you’ll find out soon enough anyway) -But I will tell you my name...it's PJ, short for Precious Jewel, I'm not gonna be one of those ungrateful privileged teenagers and call it "lame" or something like that, it might be embarrassing to tell people out loud but I'm glad my parents saw me that way when they named me.
You tend to cherish things like that when your parents are divorced.

Anyway lol! So I hear this awesome beat coming from the living room, walking over to see it on the TV, playing a commercial, in the commercial is a man and woman dancing while drinking Pepsi...well what looks like it's supposed to be Pepsi. Looking closer, the can actually read "PEP-C!"
Ugh so tacky, is honestly my first thought...then I hear "Even your parents love PEP-C!" Hmm, why say that? Do kids actually care about what their parents think over a drink?
A lot of american tv promotes the idea that teens don't look for their parent's approval and don't care about what their parents think. So I find this commercial very fascinating and I sit down and watch it. The song playing really lifted my spirit, and really made me for the first time in my life think of Pepsi as a drinking option, well Pep-C, that is.
As I'm watching I realize I was sleeping in the kitchen in the bathroom, and-first of all, who puts a bathroom in the kitchen? Can we say disgusting?-but why was I sleeping on the toilet again?

Well, You don't know me like that, so you def don't know I like to fall asleep on the toilet from time to time, either while reading manga or scrolling on Tumblr...I wonder if they still have Tumblr in this strange place. Thinking about it, either that bootlegged Pepsi commercial was a joke or it's a sign I've entered another universe!
Now you're probably wondering "what kind of weirdo would wake up and just assume that they're in an alternate universe hmm?" 
I dont know, I have been obsessed with the Mandela effect lately. In fact Mandela Effect  Tumblr is gonna love this!...so where is my phone-oh I'll just head back to the bathroom!
So that's what I do, I head back to the bathroom, and sure enough...my phone's not here? Why wouldn't it be here? Because my phone is always with me when I have to poop, which is usually when I fall asleep, cuz ya know pooping is just so relaxing, but when you're constipated, you just gotta sit there and scroll, check on your favs... I'm sorry that's probably TMI.

Uh...so anyway...my phone. This house looks like my house, but if I were dreaming, you know what I mean? When you're in a dream and your brain is telling you "this is my house" but there's like something off, like the fact that, in here everything is like a two-story townhouse or something? While my house was all on one floor. So would my bedroom be upstairs then? Let's see.
I head up this beautiful spiral staircase, dividing the kitchen and living room. I walk up to see a bright ceiling window with the sun and blue-and clouds just a-BEAMING. It makes the whole upstairs look heavenly. Im stunned for a moment, and then I snap out of it and head towards the door that literally has my name on it, reading "Please come in" which I would NEVER say but it has my name on it so, guess I really am in another world (HAHA! TOLD YOU! Stream up all night by one direction! Sorry it's wired into me). Opening the door to "my" bedroom is like so bizarre, it definitely hits that I'm not in Texas anymore...wait I mean Kansas? (But I'm actually from Jersey, that was just a Wizard of Oz reference I screwed up. Dorothy comes from Kansas right?)

There are one direction and japanime posters all over my walls. 1D, and Japanese cartoons(yes I call it A CARTOON BECAUSE THATS WHAT IT IS! FIGHT ME!) don't surprise me. What surprises me is the fact that they all have...80s hair...yeah.

My One direction posters... Im Horrified at the fact that the 80s hair seems to fit Harry's face the most, and Zayn just looks like John Stamos's son. I search frantically for my phone, and my dumb self finally realizes, I can't find my phone because there are no smartphones in the 80s. And now I'm looking around disoriented because it's like my room has been mirrored, and I'm scared the fact that it looks like the color saturation has been turned up in here makes it even more noticeable and I feel high and scared, I've always had nightmares of living in a mirrored universe where everything is backwards. Seriously it’s a phobia of mine, there's this trend of people mirroring videos on youtube so they won't get copyrighted and even that scares me! I'm running out of this room and when I do, I scream at the beautiful brightness that hits me as soon as I'm out, and I'm runnin' and im screamin'-good day!

Older PJ Here!
THIS. IS AN ANCIENT RELIC. An ancient artifact! It's my old diary from when I was 15! I'm joking about the ancient Relic stuff cuz I'm literally only 23 years old right now, but it feels like ages ago that I was this young, writing about one of the greatest miracles that ever happened in my life.
Hi, I am Precious Jewel, and I was looking through my old room, reminiscing, caught up in Nostalgia you know, because my mom kept it the same way it originally was back in the early 10s. My 2013 Tumblr room that I carefully curated for hours upon hours just to only get like 20 likes when I finally posted it. Although now when you search "2013 Tumblr room" on Google, a picture of my room does pop up, so maybe that's better?
Anywho, I started snooping through little me's old stuff, and I found this notebook with the worms from Men In Black, on them. Dead giveaway, Men In Black was and still is my jam! It was like a tradition for me and my dad too watch his old VHS tapes and one day he put in Men In Black and we really just ended up bonding over it, so it's just become our little thing ever since and my favorite characters ended up being the worms (because they made me laugh the most. I was a child, could you blame me?) So, Men In Black being as personal as it is for me I knew that this book was my diary.

And when I opened it up? Oh wow! All the memories just came flooding back! How could I let my heart trivialize this miracle of a testimony! It's absolutely insane what happened to me you guys!! And I really just wanted to share it! And I'm thinking to myself what better place to share than on Wattpad!? Am I right? A place that was once my Safe Haven of wacky 1d fics. Seems like I'm coming around full circle! So, once again, I am Precious Jewel, better known as PJ! And this is my story! (Or Testimony!)

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