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You woke up the next morning in Dracos warm arms, it was a Saturday.
You had planned to meet Hermione at 11:00am to go to Hogsmeade to go get her hair done. "Shit!, Fuck!" You shot out of bed noticing the time, "What-"
Draco had just opened his eyes.
"It's 11:38! I was supposed to meet Hermione half an hour ago!"
You started rummaging through Dracos clothes to find an oversized t-shirt. "Looking for anything?" He walked up behind you placing his hands on your waist.
He pulled out a large black t-shirt and started to put it on you, "Thank you" You gave him a peck on his lips as you shot out of his dormitory in a blink.

You made your way to the Gryffindor Common Room and there she stood, "Y/N Where have you been, I am late for my appointment" She pulled a dirty look. "I am sorry Hermione, I fell asleep studying..." You stuttered.
"I know you're lying i went there this morning, Where have you been!" "Ughh! Fine I went to the Slytherin Halloween Party. Happy now let me go get dressed."
You quickly ran away before she could answer and threw on a pair of mid-blue jeans a red jumper and knee black boots.
You ran out of your dorm and also fell on the stairs. "I'm ready let's go?" You questioned, she turned around with a discussed look on her face. "We need to speak on the way, I'm not happy Y/N" She paced her walk to be beside you as you left the Common Room.

You made your way to Hogsmeade without saying a word to eachother.
"Hermione, I'm sorry but i don't have to explain myself to you"
"No Y/N, I'm disappointed Slytherin is our enemies.
We don't speak to them!" She spat.
"I know but they're not like you think, Just because there parents are bad doesn't mean they are."
"They will become there parents Y/N i am only trying to look out for you." She walked into the Hair Salon as you followed her.

An hour passed by and you got bored, "Hermione, I'm gonna go find Harry or Ron i'll be back soon okay." She nodded her head as you left the Salon, you walked around for a bit and saw a familiar shadow. You ran over and tapped them on the shoulder.
"Draco!" He turned around and there stood Pansy Parkinson,
"What?" He spat. "What are you doing with Pansy?" You looked confused. "Making out with her. Why?" Your face dropped, you was stood frozen, "Pardon?"
"We go out now Y/N, Go away." He pulled a look on his face, none you have seen before. "Right okay" You span on your heels and walked away with tears filling your eyes.
You found a spot next to a large, oak tree and sat down, laying on it. You pulled a cigarette out your bra and lit it at your eyes finally released the tears, you never thought that you would ever feel like this about Draco Malfoy.
Warm tears were rolling down your peachy cheeks as you lyed your hands in the crunchy autumn leaves, "Y/N?"
You turned around, "Blaise, What are you doing here?" You quickly wiped away the tears streaming down your face. "What is the matter?" "Oh nothing i'm fine just the wind you know" You giggled.
He came closer and sat next to you placing his hand mid air.
You placed a cigar into his warm hands and the lighter. "Did not know you smoked."
"Yeah well i liked this girl and she's with another guy soo-"
You cut him off, "Who?"
"Pansy Parkinson, She's with Malfoy" he looked at you.
"I feel the same, I always thought Draco liked me."
"Trust me! I thought Pansy liked me, turned out she liked fucking Draco" He lifted a rock and threw it to the tree opposite us causing an awkward silence floating in the air, You could both hear leaf's crunching around you. Twigs being snapped and you shot you heads to look behind to see whoever or whatever it was.
"Mattheo?" Blaise snapped, "Who?" This is Mattheo you'll never see him he's always skipping" He laughed. "That's right and you might be?" He held his hand out to help you up.
"I'm Y/N Y/L/N" You felt your cheeks heat up. "Mattheo Riddle"

After a while you and Mattheo & Blaise had the longest conversation, it was around 7:00pm and it was dark.
"We should get going, what time is it?" You questioned as Mattheo pulled his sleeve up revealing his big silver watch. "Just hit 7, Let's walk back." You all stood up wiping off all the dirt that had be printed onto your clothes, "Y/N What are we gonna do about Pansy and Draco?" Blaise grieved. "Let's just leave them to it they will come crawling back soon, They'll just get bored of each other."

After some time you had made your way inside the castle, "Bye Y/L/N" Mattheo pleaded.
"Good bye, Riddle" You had felt butterflies flying around your empty stomach, Draco normally called you that. It felt nice to know you had someone else.
You found your way to the Gryffindor Common Room and met your dormitory. You entered as your eyes met with Hermione.
"Well don't you look nice" You preached. "Thank you Y/N, By the way there is a letter for you. And no i did not read it!"
"Okay, Thank you, also i am sorry i didn't return i got held up at the shop..." "It is fine, Took ages anyways. My hair is so notty!" You both giggled as you lifted up the piece of ripped parchment. 

Meet you tomorrow then
~ MR

Shivers ran down your back as the excitement crawled back up, you rushed to find a pen as Hermione stood with the disappointed look on her face.


You sent your owl off and started putting on your pyjamas, It felt so good sleeping in your own bed, not with Malfoy. A few minutes after you headed to the bathroom, washed your face and brushed your teeth when banging had circled the dormitory, You spat your toothpaste out and looked around to find a dark,large owl placing another piece of parchment onto your hand.

My dorm
Just ask Blaise which one

You got into bed thinking about him, You had only known him for a few hours how is he already making you feel like this.
After what Malfoy did you deserved this.

The night had passed and you woke up to Hermione singing and dancing, "What has got you in this joyful mood?" You began smiling, "Ron! Ron, Y/N, He is taking me out! Finally!" She ran up to you and started shaking your shoulders as your hands still covered your eyes.
"Really!? about time that ginger plucked up some courage."
"Do not speak about him like that, He might be my soon Boyfriend!"
"Okay, Okay!" You both giggled.

You slipped on some normal clothes, Seems as you wasn't going outside you decided to wear a short, black skirt and a long, sleeved, green top.
You and Hermione headed to the Great Hall as she cheered and sang to everyone in the corridor on the way, "Hermione, are you drunk?" "No Y/N, This is my lucky day! You do not understand!"
"I understand, do not worry!"

You found your usual seat as Ron and Harry sat in-front of you, "So Ron i see you've finally had the confidence then, After all these years!" "Well- Er- Yeah i guess" He went bright red. "Gosh Ron, Your hair and cheeks match." Hermione smacked your upper arm. "Y/N!" She blushed.
You looked around the hall to find Pansy and Draco holding hands, you shot a dirty look as you turned your head back around you made strong eye contact with someone, it was Mattheo. A smirk painted across his face, causing you to blush as you shot your head around in embarrassment.
"Who has got your cheeks going rosy red then" Harry snorted.
"Shut up!" You giggled. "Personally i think it's Malfoy" Hermione corrected. "Definitely not Malfoy, He's with Parkinson."
You looked to the floor with a sorrow of sadness forming into your face.

After breakfast was over you waited outside the Great Hall for Mattheo, "Waiting for me" Everyone else was isolated out just his voice. "Oh my god! How did you know" You giggled, he winked at you as you felt your knees collapse.
You walked beside him as your hands started touching, your pinky's connected together and your hands collided.

Your eyes locked together with his as you broke the eye contact looking behind you. It was Malfoy he had the most Ferocious, Vicious look on his face. He snarled at you as he stormed towards the both of you.

Malfoys Pleasure Where stories live. Discover now