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Malfoy continued punching him in the face, "draco" you said calmly "DRACO" Everyone was staring at you. He stood up and turned on his heels as he grabbed your hips and pulled you along to the Ball. "Draco, I can handle myself you know!"
"Really, Y/L/N"  "Yes really, Malfoy"
After arguing for a few minutes it was time for the Yule Ball to start.

You stormed off to see Hermione, Harry and Ron. "Well, nice to see you Y/N, With Draco Malfoy" Ron spat.
"Ron, Leave her alone" She giggled.
You grabbed Hermione and ran to the
drink section. "So, How are you and Ron" You squealed as you poured yourself a drink. "It's going so well
Y/N, How are you and Malfoy" You were taking a sip from your cup when you spat it out. "What is in this?" "Vodka and punch" A random voice said. "Right okay, anyways. We're fine thank you" "Good, We'll let's go back"

It was time for all the Professors to walk down as everyone gathered around.

Dumbledore stood on the Lector reading his speech. "Welcome, Girls and Boys and Professors. I hope you enjoy this evening as the Autumn season turns Winter. Commence the Yule Ball!" Everyone bounced in happiness as it was time to grab your date and slow dance.
You looked around to find Malfoy as he was your date.
You chugged your drink down and began to run around the Ball to find him. You accidentally run into someone, "Sorry, Sorry" You muttered, You looked up slowly as you couldn't move. "Hello love" His voice ringed your ears, a smile began to appear on your face. "Care to dance" His arm leant towards you and you grabbed onto it. It felt nice seeing this side of Draco, The nice side of him, it made you feel warm and wanted.
You both made it to the dance floor and you were abit tipsy, You had no idea what to do because you've forgotten cause of the Alcohol. Draco dragged your arms on top of his shoulders as he placed his onto your waist. Your feet stepped forward and backwards in sync you stared him in the eyes as your faces got closer and closer. You hadn't felt this way about Draco nor even thought of him these past few months. It really hurt you, what he did. Your lips finally pressed together as you grabbed his face.
Your hands were cupping his face as your lips parted.
There was tension in the room as your eyes were still staring at each-other.

After the slow dance had finished all the professors had left the Ball and left all the students to dance along to the bands that were playing, you had drank a lot of alcohol and you were very drunk.

You found Hermione and grabbed her dragging her by the arm to the dance floor, "HERMIONE" You squealed. "Y/N" She giggled. "I LOVE YOU SO MUCH THANK YOU FOR BEING MY FRIEND" Your words came out all over the place, "I LOVE YOU TO Y/N WHATS GOT YOU IN A GOOD MOOD" Your head turned to the drink area, you both shot out laughing.

After a few minutes of dancing you disappeared trying to find Draco, you couldn't find him, no where. You went to the one place he would be. The Astronomy Tower, You grabbed the walls, falling over everywhere made your way as the stairs were spinning around.

You had been giggling to yourself as the last step found you, you looked up to see him staring at your across the room, he was sitting against the wall with his head tilted. "Y/N"
"Heyyyy" You walked towards him.
"Why are you here? What are you doing?" A confused look painted across your drunken face, "What do you mean" He stood up walking towards you. "Your drunk Y/N go back to your dorm, in fact i'll take you, come on!" He raised his voice, "I don't want to" You walked away. "Y/N Where are you going" he walked after you, as you were running down the steps you tripped and fell to the bottom.

Malfoys Pleasure Where stories live. Discover now