Chapter Three: Valiant

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The morning after the feast was a slow day for Juliana, Arthur had informed her that he would be spending the day using her brother as a training dummy and therefore would not need her services. So Juliana spent most of the day out in the fields picking herbs for Gaius.  Once she had collected all she could find, Juliana went back to Gaius'.

What was meant to be a quick delivery turned into a very long lesson in which Gaius decided to teach her all about the many poisons and how to counteract them.

What was meant to be a quick delivery turned into a very long lesson in which Gaius decided to teach her all about the many poisons and how to counteract them

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They had been going over it for hours when Merlin came home, limping into the room, dropping bits of armor, and looking completely exhausted.

"So, how was your first day as Arthur's servant?" Gaius asked, his voice betraying his amusement, though while he was trying to conceal it Juliana was doing nothing to hide her laughter.

Merlin smacked on the side of his head a few times before looking up and asking them, "Do you hear clanging?" before sitting down at the table.

Juliana continued to chuckled but walked over to her brother and began massaging his shoulders for him, "Don't take it personally, Arthur is like that with every servant he's had. If you ask me I think he does it on purpose because he wants to make sure he has a strong loyal servant." Juliana's eyes flashed gold as she let some of her healing powers flow into her brother's sore muscles.

He let out a sigh as the tension in his shoulder released, "Oh but it was horrible, Juliana. I've still got to learn all about tournament etiquette by the morning."

His eyes flashed gold as he chanted; "Onhríne achtung bregdan!" and the book on the table slid over to him and opened up.

"Oi" Gaius shouted from across the room where he was mixing medicines, "What have I told you about using magic like that? Juliana, slap your brother for me, would you?"

Juliana reached out and slapped Merlin on the back of the head, laughing when he complained, then went back to massaging his shoulders.

"If I could actually feel my arms, I'd pick up the book myself." The poor boy complained, "Besides, Juliana just used her magic."

"Never mind your arms. What would your sister and I do if you get caught?" Gaius continued to scold him, though more softly now, completely ignoring Merlin's dig at his sister.

That got Merlin thinking, "What would the two of you do?"

Juliana patted him on the shoulder, "You just make sure it doesn't happen, for all our sake." before beginning to work on his right arm.

'Ah," Merlin groaned, "I saved Arthur from being killed and end up being his servant, how is that fair?" he whined.

"I'm not sure fairness comes into it, just look at you sister. She saved the prince's life and ended up his personal healer." Gaius replied not even turning away from whatever he was working on.

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