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Weeks went by and Jisung got used to seeing Heesung around. Not that he despised him less.

In fact, his hate towards the blonde had increased significantly.

It was like the man, just existing and revolving around Minho, was there solely to piss Jisung off with his stupid kisses to Minho's cheeks, or lips (Jisung got very angry when the guy would even get near his best friend's lips), all the times he called him 'love' or 'babe', when they held hands or when, at lunch time, he would feed Minho little pieces of his food.

Jisung would give him nasty looks here and there, whisper light insults— some where not light at all —or roll his eyes at everything he did because that man was taking Minho away from him.

Now, the movie nights on Friday were once in a blue moon, and if they did happen Heesung would always tag along. He came during lunch because Minho had officially introduced him to the friend group and for some reason unbeknownst to human kind, the rest seemed to love him.

But Jisung simply couldn't get himself to like Heesung at all, so now he was sitting on Christyn's bed with a pillow tightly clutched on his lap, ranting about how much he hated the guy's guts.

Minho had asked for their dorm again and since his friends were all busy tonight but Jisung had already blindly agreed to leave the place for the night— just for the sake of Minho's happiness and that little smile he gave Jisung whenever he agreed —, he just decided on calling Christyn, even if he was still a bit scared of Jihae and her temper. They'd solved things, Jisung had apologized sincerely to her and she had also said sorry for snapping at him that night and now they were in good terms.

Jisung huffed and flopped back onto the mattress. "He's always there and it's so annoying!"

Jihae came from outside the bathroom with a white towel around her shoulders and then sat down next to Jisung. Christy was walking around the room with a phone pressed to her ear, placing the pizza orders.

"Who's always there?" asked the black haired woman.

"Heesung. Thanks to him and his stupid dick I have to sleep somewhere else almost every stupid fucking Friday!" he burried his face on the pillow and screamed with frustration.

Jihae snorted next to him. "Why his dick?"

"Oh, because it has to be really big if Minho's keeping him around with that face and that personality." he answered in a matter-of-facty tone, rolling his eyes and screaming into the pillow again.

Christyn, who had already thanked the guy on the phone and hang up, sat on her girlfriend's legs and the other woman kissed her cheek and smiled. "Well, from the point of view of a humble lesbian such as myself, I don't think Heesung's ugly, and I've actually talked with him a couple of times from our shared classes and he's also really nice, Sung."

She was right. But Jisung didn't want her to be right.

"Whose side are you on, Chris? His or mine?" both girls sighed softly and looked at each other, then bursted out laughing. "What? This isn't funny, I'm having a best friend crisis right here!"

They just laughed harder and Jisung rolled onto his stomach to hide his face because for some reason he didn't find the fun in being left behind by your best friend for a guy.

Thankfully, the girls picked up on his mood and stopped their laughing fit, Jihae moving her hand from her girlfriend's waist to rub at his back somewhat comfortingly. "Sung, why do you hate Heesung that much?" she softly asked.

Jisung looked up at them with teary eyes. "Because he's taking my best friend away! Now I bearly have time to spend with Minho alone! I miss talking with him about everything that crossed my mind without having to worry if it could be too much, because I'm aware that, sometimes, I'm too much and Minho has always been the only person that never made me feel that way." He blinked away his tears, but one ended up falling.

"Is that all?"

Jisung shook his head but didn't speak after it, so Christyn held his hand to ease him.

"I don't know what it is, this feeling. It just— it just makes me so mad." he sniffled.

"Are you maybe jealous of him?" Christyn slowly asked. She didn't want to overwhelm Jisung in case he would close up his feelings, secure them from even himself.

"I don't know!" he huffed and burried his face in the covers of the bed, shaking his head. His fluffy brown hair bounced with every move and the girls couldn't keep in the smile that crept up to their lips, knowing how Jisung was just in denial about his very clear romantic feelings.

"What do you feel when they do couple stuff, like hold hands, cuddle or kiss?" Jihae's voice was calm, serene, very much what Jisung needed in that sea of confusion he was swimming in.


"Do you want to be Heesung?"

The following silence spoke louder than words.

"Jisung, do you like Minho?"

"Of course I like him! He's a great friend and a good person, everyone who gets to know him under that cold faucet he insists on keeping up will easily like him." he tried to avert the question, turn it to something he wouldn't mind answering, but the girls weren't stupid.

"You know what we mean." Jihae's stern voice was back. Jisung huffed.

Did he like Minho?

"I'm not gay."

"That wasn't the question, Jisung." agh, Jihae really wouldn't let it slide, right?

"No. I do not like Lee Minho in a romantic way."

They were going to keep their conversation, or basically try to get Jisung to realize his feelings, but the knocks on the door with their pizzas cut them off.

Jisung decided to run away from the girls' dorm, he feared what they would have to say.

sorry to bother, min, but i need go back to the dorm <
i can't stay the night out today <

He waited and hour sitting in the dump swing of a lonely park somewhere far away from Christyn, Jihae and their stupid question. Jisung waited until Minho answered him that it was okay to go back to their little shared living space, but the message never came.

Jisung ended up walking back anyway, too cold to really stay out any more time.

He had to hold back his tears the whole way, but the sight of opening the door to Minho cuddling Heesung like he would cuddle him made his heart break in the worst way possible, and he couldn't hold it in anymore.





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