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𝐅𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡'𝐬 𝐩𝗼𝐯
It's been a week of Y/n and I playing this game and I could feel myself beginning to lose.

Y/n knew me too well and played me like chess, the woman was a true goddess in every aspect.

I was sure everyone around could tell as well as I couldn't even keep up my straightforward actions without my expression cracking to show what I wanted.

It was pure torture at this point but with a party being thrown this Friday, I'm sure my suffering with hopefully end.

Anyway, I had to attend tutoring again with that Oliver guy, and that was the most dreadful part of my week. He was such a bore and I wasn't oblivious to how he looked at Felix from afar, but as long as the little guy leaves us alone, I'll tolerate him.

So now we were talking about some poem that I had Y/n help me understand.

"I must say, Farleigh, you've been outstanding with these poems and essays lately" "Maybe because he's not doing them" Oliver chimes before me, his little grin pissing me off.

"So what have I been doing then? Hm?" "Well I know Y/n's been doing it" "She's been helping me, Sherlock, and there's nothing wrong with getting help" I looked him up, Oliver only shrugging at my words.

"Yes well Farleigh is right, it's always great to get help from your peers, even if you think you know everything," the teacher says to Oliver before continuing with the discussion.

Time skip
After that long ass tutoring session, we were all hanging out in the library, Y/n finishing up on homework beside me while making a few quips in the conversation.

"Farleigh you should finish your work too" "Why?" "Cause I care about you and I want you to pass" She rolls her eyes at me, her attitude always placing a smile on my lips.

"Well of course" So here I was pulling out the work I had to finish, but while doing so I saw Oliver a few tables down looking over here, but his eyes were nowhere near me, if anything he was looking at both Y/n and Felix.

'What's his deal now?' I couldn't put my thumb on what was bothering me about with twerp but his expression just kept changing whenever he looked at Y/n, it was like a mix of confusion and another look that did piss me off which was a look of want.

Before I could try and look harder, Y/n had pulled me out of my thoughts to get this work done.

"Barely anyone else is doing work," I say, only loud enough for her to hear "So? If you finish it now then you'll be done in no time" She smiled, and to add emphasis I felt Y/n's hand lightly rub my knee before he went back to finishing her work.

So of course I had listened to her words and also got to work, making sure that this was the best piece of work I'd turn in just from the fact that Y/n would be happy about it.

𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝗼𝐫'𝐬 𝐩𝗼𝐯
So as Farleigh worked, completely immersed in his work, Y/n finished hers, looking to see the man working which did make her happy.

And by the time Farleigh was done, everyone was ready to have dinner and go to bed for the night, which he didn't object to.

"You did so good, I'm proud" Y/n smiled their 3-inch height difference a little obvious as she had to slightly look up at Farleigh.

"Thank you, but I think a reward would be great too" Of course, he knew it was a stretch but Y/n had only chuckled to herself before placing a sweet kiss on his cheek and oh did it have its effects as Farleigh nearly felt like a girl in a romcom movie.

"That's it for now until we see that grade," Y/n says, lightly tapping Farleigh's chest before walking into the dining hall to have dinner before they all head to their dorms for the night.

𝐈𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐥
𝐖𝗼𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝗼𝐮𝐧𝐭: 701

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