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𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝗼𝐫'𝐬 𝐩𝗼𝐯
Ever since Farleigh and Y/n had gotten together it was already a well-stated fact as the two walked the campus, Farleigh never keeping his hands to himself especially if he wanted to show Y/n off, which he did a lot.

Even Oliver and the other forgotten people in Oxford knew this fact, but for him, he was hoping Y/n's influence would pull Farleigh away from Felix, but seeing as they're cousins and she's a close friend, that still wasn't happening.

Anyway, there was a little fair going on inside the university for the students to attend to pass the time between classes or to simply just kill time instead of working themselves so much.

But as of now, Y/n was searching for a book to help her with a research paper she had to complete for a class, the woman taking her sources very seriously.

As she searched, Oliver had walked over.

"You should try this," he says, acting as though he couldn't hold eye contact to seem less straightforward, but all he did was make Y/n question him as she grabbed the book while looking at it.

"Thanks, did you need something?" She questioned while walking off to the table she had saved for herself, Oliver lagging.

"Not exactly, but I did want to meet my schoolmate's girlfriend" Oliver brings up, not expecting to see Y/n look back at him with a sort of bored look.

"I know you don't see Farleigh as a "mate" so what do you want?"

At that moment Oliver realized that Y/n wasn't going to be easy to get rid of. He thought she was just paranoid about something which was why she was able to catch his looks, but she simply had a hyper-awareness to practically everything if it grabbed her attention.

So Oliver decided to trash his embarrassed nerd act and sit down beside Y/n.

"Well I know it must be hard being different from the rest of those silver platter babies if anything I'm still shocked to hear that you're with Farleigh since he's nearly showboating at all times for attention"

"Do you think I care if I seem different from everyone else?" "Well of course" Oliver shrugs, feeling a bit uncomfortable from how calm Y/n was.

"Oliver unlike Farleigh I was able to be in America a bit longer than him, do you know what black in America is like? To have people undermine you and your family's success all because of color?"

The rhetorical question was enough to shut Oliver up but Y/n continued.

"And bringing up my boyfriend and the people I hang around means absolutely nothing to me, and maybe it's because I'm also a silver spoon baby and yours was wooden, but don't ever bring up being "different" to me again unless you wanna fuck around and find something out"

And with those parting words Y/n left the library, leaving behind the book Oliver suggested, the young man found himself conflicted with his anger while also a bit impressed and intimidated, realizing that Y/n was truly the only person who could see right through him, which had only motivated him to outsmart her.

So as Y/n met with her boyfriend and friends to walk around the mini-fair to look at the little games they had to offer, Oliver was making edits and making a new persona to specifically get passed Y/n for his gain.

𝐈𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐥
𝐖𝗼𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝗼𝐮𝐧𝐭: 593

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