Velvet Heart

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Wake up...

You must wake up...


(Y/N): It's so... Hot. It's... Burning...

I wake up, shaken, by the slight feeling of being burned. I jump to my feet and look around.

(Y/N): W-what the fuck is this!?

I look around this fiery wasteland

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I look around this fiery wasteland. Pools of fire, bottomless pits, dark spirits floating about and some unnatural looking black smoke coming from the pits.

I look down a pit of fire that was near me, and nearly fall over in shock.

I look down a pit of fire that was near me, and nearly fall over in shock

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There were... Demons and lost souls sinking in the fire.

But my shock was cut short by a loud wail coming from behind me. I look back and notice a wisp-like creature, as it approached me slowly.

(Y/N): What the- Get away!

I begin to slowly back away from the wisp, but the wails just keep getting louder as the distance closes in.

(Y/N): Shit... I gotta get outta here!

I begin running away from the wisp, while avoiding the pits and spikes throughout the wasteland.

After some time, I finally stop hearing the wails, so I jus assume I got away.

But my relief went away just as quick as it came over, as two other wisps start to close in on me from the sides.

I start backing away again, but feel a sharp pain growing slowly on my upper back, which causes me to fall forward from the shock.

I turn my body quickly and notice another wisp, but this one had a long, slender arm, with a huge hand and even bigger claws.

The cut was starting to burn.

(Y/N): Shit! Get away!

I jumped up, pushed the wisp to the side and took off.

I ran for what felt like hours. My lungs were starting to hurt from the strain, which made me stop on my tracks and bend over in exhaustion.

I start breathing heavily as the cut burns more and more. I groan in pain and look behind me. Looks like the coast is clear for now.

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