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Silver would think about what shadow said the rest of the day.

Silver would sigh, and look at the time. Already 5:00. Silver would try to make up his mind. Should he just make a microwave meal dinner and rot in bed or... Take shadows word? ...Try to contact Amy?..

Silver was kind of struggling to make that decision. As he wanted to stay inside and rest, but he felt himself being pulled towards contacting Amy. Though he was still trying to fight it.

But he was also starting to realize that Shadow really had a point with what he said about Silver and Amy both being similar.

Silver couldn't help himself. He softly chuckled, before picking up his phone. He slowly pressed on Amy's contact, before taking a deep breath. He started to text her with a growing smile on his face.

He thought about what he should say for a second, before sending a quick text to her.

**Silver: "Hey, what are you doing right now?"**

Silver would text her, not wanting to type out anything complicated yet. He just wanted to start off with something simple. Hopefully what he said wasn't too direct.

Amy would respond back rather quickly.

**Amy: "Hey Silver! I just got back from babysitting Cream! Just doing some self care right now before bed."**

Silver chuckled as he read Amy's text. She seemed to respond in record time after just a few seconds, and her message was pretty simple. She was really busy, it seemed like. Though the mention of self care caught his attention.

**Silver: "Self care, huh. Does that mean you're bathing? Or are you like... doing your nails?"**

**Amy: "Something like that, I'm just washing my face and all that! 💖"**

Amy would respond, adding a cute heart at the end of her text.

Silver was smiling as he read the text she sent to him. She was being so sweet in that moment, his heart was practically melting. And when she added the heart at the end, he was completely flustered

**Silver: "Hehe... nice.. are you going to bed soon? Or are you up for a bit..?"**

Silver asked her, now being a bit more bold with how he texted her.

**Amy: Yeah, I'm heading to bed soon!"**

Silver felt slightly disappointed that she was going to bed pretty soon, but he was happy that she wasn't about to go right now, so that he could text her for a bit longer. So he sent a quick reply back to her.

**Silver: "That's a bummer, I was hoping we could get some more time to talk.. Oh well, at least you're feeling good."**

Amy would then QUICKLY respond, faster than any other time.

**Amy: No, no! I can stay up longer if you need me, you're feeling better right?"**

Silver felt his heart beat a bit faster when she sent another text so quickly, and he was honestly surprised that she was willing to stay up. It was so... kind and sweet. He didn't want to admit it, but he kind of needed her, in this moment.

**Silver: "Well.. I kinda want you to be around more, to be honest. I just feel happier when talking to you."**

Silver admitted, feeling very vulnerable and embarrassed. For some reason, he didn't feel anxious about this type of thing with Amy. He felt safe.

**Amy: Aww.. Thanks so sweet of you to say!"**

Silver felt some butterflies in his stomach as he read her message. This was honestly feeling way more intense than he could have imagined. His eyes were glued to the screen of his phone as he couldn't stop reading every single message from her.

**Silver: "Hehe, ...no problem, Amy. Just being honest."**

Silver felt like he hit a brick wall, as he wasn't sure what to say next. He really wasn't good at keeping a conversation going with someone.

**Amy: "Thanks! Hey, I have to go to bed now, but if you want we can meet for coffee again tomorrow!"**

Amy was getting pretty tired as she texted him back. She was already laying in bed, rubbing her eyes. She was wearing pink silk pajamas, and her heater was on at her place. Silver realized that he should probably let her sleep, and get ready for bed himself.

Silver was kind of bummed out for a moment when she said that she was about to go to bed. But he understood, and he was happy that she was willing to meet up with him again tomorrow. He didn't want to let her go so soon, but he knew that she needed the rest.

**Silver: "Alright, that's fine. Rest well. Oh, and thanks for talking with me. And yea, I'd love too get coffee!"**

And just like that, Amy had turned her heat up, got ready for bed, and was turning in for the night. Silver was now alone again..

Amy would lay back in bed, sighing in relief. She couldn't help but think about Silver. He was being so kind to her, even wanted to chat after she comforted him..

She had comforted many others before, but hardly anyone would reach out to her again after. She felt happy that Silver accepted her offer for coffee.

She felt like she wouldn't have to spend her morning alone again, and that put a smile on her face as she fell asleep, excited for reconnecting with her old friends.

Back with silver, he would fluff up his excuse if a bed, trying to make it as comfortable as possible.

As he was lying back in his bed, Silver found himself also thinking about Amy. She was such a sweet and kind girl, it was almost impossible not to think about her. Though, he wasn't exactly too sure why he was still thinking about her.

Was it just because he was lonely? He wanted some sort of comfort? Or did he really feel something deeper for her? He honestly didn't know, all he knew was that he couldn't stop thinking about her. And he didn't want to. The feeling was just too comforting.

Eventually he'd start to feel very tired and drowsy, it was about time he'd also get ready for bed, so he could rest.

He knew he'd see Amy again the very next day, and that thought alone made him feel happy in his own way. He was really glad to have her in his life, even if it was just as friends, or if it was something else completely. Whatever the case, it made him happy.

And finally, Silver finally feel asleep... And it was one of the best nights he had in awhile.

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