Chapter 34

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( Both of them were feeling peace and calmness in each other's arms.That warm embrace was helping them to heal their loneliness which they were feeling for ages being away from each other.They were ready to bear any pain or sorrow to be together.They didn't even wanna think about moving away from that peaceful embrace.)

Kookie :* sneeze * * sneeze *

( Kookie wanted to feel that warm embrace of taehyung more but the great sneeze ruined everything according to him.He put a sad pout on his lips coz taehyung immediately broke the hug and looked at him. )

Kookie : You have ruined everything.Look, I'm not getting my hug. Now, I'll get scolded again coz of you.(mentally whined and scolded his sneeze)

Taehyung : How did you catch a cold? (said while covering him with warm cloth properly)

Kookie : It wasn't coz of co..cold.It just came by mi..mistake.(said while lowering his eyes)

Taehyung : Nice try but next time don't shutter before you lie.Now tell me the reason for this cold right now. (said with straight face and strict tone)

( Kookie was very blissful from within after hearing that strict voice again. Whenever taehyung used that tone,he never felt bad coz from the beginning he knew very well that behind that strict tone there's only worry and concern for him. )

Kookie : When I was co..coming here it was snowing heavily.(as soon as he said the snow, a twinkle appeared in his eyes) Snow wow, it was so beautiful and chill .It was looking like a white carpet of cotton batting everywhere and it was falling on me like drops of rain. (in his own dreamland and was rubbing his arms while imagining himself playing with snow but soon it broke)

Taehyung : You are getting deviate. (said with cold tone while looking at him with those sharp eyes)

Kookie (lowered his eyes down): But the car broke down mi..midway and not a single was (was moving his eyes here and there)

Taehyung :So?

Kookie :SoIcameonfoot. (mumbled slowly)

Taehyung :Use human language.

Kookie :So I came on foot. (quickly said while closing his eyes)

Taehyung : You came here on foot at night in such weather? Don't you know that going out in such bad weather is dangerous?

Kookie : But I wanted to meet you right now coz I couldn't wait until tomorrow to hug yo ( widened his boba eyes and stopped his mid-talk)

( Taehyung wrapped his arms around kookie's waist and pulled him closer towards himself and gently placed kookie's face on his chest. )

Taehyung : Why are you so careless towards yourself? You know you get sick right away.You shouldn't have come on foot in such snowy weather. (said while ruffling kookie's hair softly)

( Kookie's fell on tae's wounded hand and he slowly broke the hug and held it gently.Taehyung saw moist eyes and sadness on kookie's face)

Taehyung : Don't worry, It's not hurting.

Kookie (looked up with teary eyes): I know it's hunting you a lot.

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