EP 3: when divine intervention goes wrong

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Dunk was towelling dry his sweat as he walked over to find Pond at the basketball court after his football practice. He sat at the side of the court waiting for Pond. 

He was itching for a shower but he knew that Pond will be done soon

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He was itching for a shower but he knew that Pond will be done soon. True to his words, Pond was running towards him. They headed towards the communal shower. Dunk felt so much better and refreshed after it.

"Where should we go for dinner?" Pond asked as he grab his stuff.

"It's your turn to decide." Dunk took a drink from his bottle as he waited for his answer.

"Japanese it is." Dunk had laughed. Pond would always choose Japanese if he was to ask him. They were having fun, joking around when a car lost control heading straight towards Pond. Dunk had instinctively pushed Pond away. Pond saw the car knocking Dunk, he was sent flying after the impact. He fell to the ground tumbling, hitting a tree before coming to a stop. The car didn't stop at all. It sped off. Pond crawled his way towards Dunk. He was bleeding everywhere. He didn't even know where his wounds start or where it ended. He quickly dialled for an ambulance. He tried his best to remain calm so they could understand what he was saying but the moment Dunk started coughing out blood, he panicked. They tried to calm him down, repeating that help is on his way. He went with the ambulance when they took Dunk away.


Pond's hands were shaking as he waited outside the operation theatre. There were nurses that attended to him, making sure that he is not in shock. They gave him a pair of scrubs since he was covered in Dunk's blood. They asked in a kind voice if there is someone that he would like to call. The first people that came to mind was calling Force and Book, they were their best friends and peer mentor.

They had dropped by his apartment to grab him some clothes. Book stroke his back while Force clasped his hand, comforting him as they waited for news from the doctors. Pond thought that he knew all that was to know about Dunk until this incident. He suddenly realized that he knew nothing about his best friend.

He saw Phi Win rushing to where they were. He knew he was Dunk's teammate but he didn't know that they were cousins. He was even more surprised to know that he was Dunk's medical legal representative. Just when he thought he had enough of surprises. He saw Gemini walk over to Phi Win. He had seen that kid before, he played football for the business faculty along with his boyfriend, Fourth. He was shocked to find out that he was Dunk's stepbrother.

Pond began to realize that he knew nothing about Dunk's family. He wondered how Dunk had avoided this topic for the 3 years that they had known each other. It was only then that he realized that Dunk had always been the person who listened while he talked. He was the person who had always been there when he complained and whined when things didn't go right in life. He had rarely heard Dunk complain. He would calmly listen to him. He comments when he feels that Pond wanted feedback but that's about it. His cheerful disposition had always been disarming.

When the doctor came out, they rushed forward, hoping to hear good news. It was everything but good news. Dunk's body had gone through a lot of trauma but one news stood out to him. He had multiple fractures, most of them concentrated around his legs. Phi Win had nodded through it all. But fear had struck in Pond's heart. He was afraid that Dunk will not be able to play football ever again.

Dunk was still not out of the woods yet. They were placing him in ICU for close observation until they are certain that his condition is stable. Force had accompanied him in. Dunk had never seemed this small for the length of time that he had known him. He was practically swallowed by the bed, with the heart monitor beeping beside him. His face paler than he had ever seen with the oxygen mask firmly attached. They didn't allow him to stay. Phi Win promised that he will update him if he receive any further news.


Pond flopped onto his bed after he showered. He took a shuddered breath, still unable to believe what happened. His best friend had sacrificed himself for him and he was still fighting for his life. Dunk had been a constant in his life since that fateful orientation day. He can't imagine a life without him. He curled in on himself and wailed as he clutched onto the bedsheet. He cried himself to sleep that night.


Pond had forced himself to attend lectures the next day. He didn't want to stew in his own thoughts. They never lead to anything good, especially now with Dunk in the ICU. Chimon, his lab partner looked at Pond as he entered the lab with his bloodshot eyes. The whole faculty had gotten news about the accident. It was a hit-and-run, the police had been asking for people with information to step forward but they were no where close to finding who the driver was.  

"Shouldn't you be home resting or at the hospital?" Chimon asked Pond in concerned.

"It's not visiting hours yet. I don't want to be home." Chimon patted his shoulder to comfort him.


It had all been a daze. He didn't know how he went through his lectures and lab practice. As if on auto pilot, he flings his bag on the chair at the cafeteria. The table that Dunk somehow gravitated towards to. He always grab the exact table, sitting at the exact same seat. But it's empty today. He felt hollow inside. He grabbed some food. He didn't know why he ordered Dunk's favourite food. He can't begin to understand why everything tasted bland today. Force and Book appeared before him. They were both looking at him in concern.

"Did you get any sleep last night?" Pond nodded. He was quiet throughout lunch. Book had made sure he finished it though he didn't really have an appetite. Phi Win walked towards them as they finished their lunch.

"I'm heading towards the hospital. Do you want to tag along?" Pond nodded frantically. Pond found it weird that someone else was driving. He was in a business suit. Phi Win introduced him as Bright, his boyfriend. Pond greeted respectfully. They had tried to include him in the conversation but he really wasn't in the mood. All he could think about was Dunk. Dunk on the hospital bed with pins and screws in his bones because of him.

The doctor that greeted them was pleased with Dunk's progress. He was optimistic. They will be releasing him to a normal ward in another day or two if he continues with this progress. Pond could finally breathe.


Dunk had brief sense of consciousness though he wasn't fully awake. He had smiled at Pond when he saw him,  saying he was glad that he was okay. He promptly fell back to sleep after. Pond didn't know what to make of it. A lone tear fell from his eye. His best friend was more worried about him than himself. He was the one lying in bed but yet he was worried about him. He pecked him on the forehead, vowing that he will take care of him no matter what the future holds.  

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 


A/N: Long chapter since I'm trying to make this a short series. 🤭🤭 Dunk is recovering. I'm beginning to feel bad that Dunk seems to be in a lot of hospital scenes. I solemnly swear that I won't put Dunk in any hospital scene for my coming next 2 series. 

**I feel like I'm watching C drama though going through this EP.🤣🤣

how are you finding it so far? 

Next update will be next saturday. 

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