EP 4: Adjusting back to normal life

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Dunk had to be in the cast for two months, which he then needs to attend physiotherapy. There was a short debate on where Dunk should stay since there is no elevator to his room at the dorm. Pond had promptly offered Dunk to stay at his apartment. Dunk didn't want to be of inconvenience to Pond but before he could reject, he was already at his apartment. His roommates had already packed his things and left it at Pond's place. In his haste to help his friend, Pond had forgotten that there was only one bed in the apartment. 

It was big enough for the both of them...

 Dunk shrugged, saying that he was fine with anything. They were best friends after all. How would sleeping in the same bed change anything?

It took a while for them to work out Dunk's condition before they form a routine. None of them said anything when Pond wrapped his arms around Dunk during the night. Dunk had known Pond was a hugger well before this. Pond had carried Dunk whenever it was inconvenient for Dunk to move. He helped Dunk to shower as much as he can since his cast can't touch water. It was challenging at first. Dunk had tried to act nonchalant but even he is not immune to the fact that he was naked in front of his best friend. He blushed hard. It didn't help that Pond had blush as well. Dunk being Dunk had used his usual humour and play banter to brush things off. Pond responded to it. All the tension in the bathroom was forgotten. 

Dunk got bored of staying at home after a week. It provided a new set of challenge to go to uni. Dunk was lucky to have Ohm and Leng who had the same schedule as him. They had wheeled him around lectures and met up with Pond during lunch time. Force and Book would join them. They couldn't help but see how Pond and Dunk had gotten closer through this experience. They could read each other better than before. Pond would know what Dunk wanted with a silent gesture or an eye contact but yet nothing had changed in their relationship.


Reality struck when Dunk was off the cast and started physiotherapy. It was gruelling. Phi Win had accompanied him to most of his sessions. The bad news came that Dunk may never be able to play football professionally ever again. When Pond came back to the apartment seeing Phi Win and Gemini talking to Dunk, he was confused. Dunk rarely had visitors at his apartment.

"I'll accompany you to the scholarship interview." Phi Win informed Dunk before leaving.

"I'll be there to support you as well." Gemini said hugging Dunk.

"You better leave with Phi Win before your dad finds out." Dunk patted Gemini before seeing them off.

Dunk wheeled himself back in, prepping the table for the dinner that he prepared.

"What was that all about?" Pond couldn't help but ask when he dug into the food.

"My scholarship review interview to see whether I can retain my scholarship with my current condition." Dunk said without a thought. Pond stopped eating as worry lined his face.

"mai huang (don't worry). It's not that big of an issue." Pond was used to Dunk downplaying things.

"Can I go with you to support you as well?" Dunk sighed as he looked at Pond.

'Don't you have class? I'll be fine. Don't you overthink and feel guilty about it." When Pond bugged Dunk throughout the night, he finally relented.


Phi Win had accompanied Dunk into the interview room as he wheeled him in. Gemini and Pond had sat outside waiting for the results. It was the first time Pond spoke to Gemini and understood Dunk's family situation. Dunk's dad had passed on early in life. His mom had remarried to Gemini's dad. But his dad had never been able to accept Dunk because of his father. They were business rivals as well as love rivals fighting for the affection of their mom. Gemini had not known of Dunk's existence until he was 9 years old. Their mom had wanted Gemini to bond with Dunk, his older half brother despite his father's animosity towards Dunk.

Dunk's paternal grandparents had took care of him when his mother remarried. He had been on his own when they passed on since he was 17. Gemini and their mother had always hidden the fact that they visited Dunk. Dunk had always refused any money that their mom gave, afraid that it may get her in trouble with Gemini's dad. This scholarship meant the world to him if he ever gets to complete his studies. Pond began to worry more but Dunk being Dunk came out with a beaming smile. Even Phi Win shook his head at what his cousin is capable of.

"I'll complete the semester with my current scholarship, I'll be switching to a majorette scholarship after that." Dunk happily announced.

"Majorette?" Dunk had lost Pond at this point. Dunk went on to tell him that the doctor and physiotherapist cleared him of doing this. He told Pond he was badass drum major before this. Pond shook his head, trust his friend to have a backup plan and be this optimistic despite everything. He was worrying for nothing. 

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

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