EP 6: I love him?

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Pond's mood didn't seem to improve when him and Dunk went out for mookata. Dunk couldn't hold it in anymore.

"Gert alai kuen (what happened)? You have been moody since you were at the locker. You won today's game. You should be happy. Nii, aah pak (here, open your mouth)" Dunk tried to cheer Pond up while tempting him with the food on his chopstick. Pond took a bite out of it and sighed.

"He was talking shit about you." Pond grumbled.

"Many people talk shit about me, you can't be beating all of them up. Chang man herr (Forget about it)."

He wasn't wrong. Half the university wants to get into his pants. Pond thought.

"Yim noi (smile a little), yim, yim, yim nid noi...(smile, smile, smile a little)" Dunk said while poking his cheek. Dunk was pouting as he did so. Pond couldn't help the smile forming at his antics. He can't help but think how cute Dunk is. He was shock by that sudden thought that appeared. But before he could process it, Dunk had asked that they take a celebratory photo for his IG.  


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Pond didn't know why, but that sports day had opened his eyes and brought new perspective towards his best friend, Dunk. He started noticing every one of his friend's behaviour and antics. He started to notice all of his facial expressions. He scrolled through the photos they had together.

 He scrolled through the photos they had together

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The last photo made him realized that he smiled the best when he was with Dunk

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The last photo made him realized that he smiled the best when he was with Dunk. He felt most at ease with him. He doesn't deny that they looked good together. When he scrolled across individual photos of Dunk, he couldn't help but stare at it. 

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He paid detail attention to his features

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He paid detail attention to his features. It was now that he understood people's attraction towards Dunk, it was a blurred line between handsome and beautiful. His heart thumped at this sudden realization. He closed his phone as he saw Dunk heading towards him. He smiled and chatted with him as if nothing happened. 


He couldn't sleep that night when he realized his attraction to Dunk. It was only when exhaustion took over that he finally slept. He woke up to Dunk in his arms the next morning. His face was right next to his. He could hear the light snore that Dunk made. He couldn't help but look at Dunk's long lashes, his sharp jawline, and his plush lips. He had inched closer to his lips without noticing, just a centimeter away from touching his lips with his. When he felt the small puff of air from Dunk, it broke the spell. He quickly woke up and rushed towards the bathroom. He splashed water on his face. He couldn't help but think as he looked at his own reflection on the mirror. 

How could he fall in love with his best friend? 

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 


A/N: ohoo~~ now he realizes, after 3 years.. 😅😅 this is an longest slow burn in all my series if we don't count by EP but by time frame. 🤭🤭

next update on saturday😊😊 probably be ending by then. 

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