EP 9: [finale] I love you

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The bedroom door was left ajar. He pushes it gently so that Dunk doesn't hear him coming in. He could hear the frustration in Dunk's voice as he spoke on the phone, to whom he assumed was Boom, his roommate when he stayed at the dorm. The one-sided conversation that he heard, didn't bode well with Pond. If sounded like Dunk was planning to leave.


"What do you mean someone took my bed? I've been pay-" Boom stopped him before he could continue.

"You've been staying at Pond's place for more than 3 months. We didn't think you would be coming back. The money that you gave me is in the emergency fund that I normally keep for you." Boom spoke like the elder brother that he is to Dunk.

"Dtae (but)... Phi Boom, I need to shift out now. Pond's relationship with Loverukk seems to be progressing. He just gave her a bouquet of strawberries. I think they would want the apartment to themselves by tonight." Boom was confused at this point.

"Are you sure that's not for you? Strawberries are more like your thing than anyone else. Shouldn't he be giving her a bouquet of roses instead?" Dunk didn't know why Phi Boom kept thinking that Pond has something for him.

"I saw it with my own two eyes, I can't be wrong. Is the couch at least available?" Dunk was desperate at this point. Aof had snatched Boom's phone over.

"We are not letting you take the coach with that condition of yours. And I'm going over if that Pond really thinks he can just ditch you over a pair of doe eyes." Boom snatched the phone back.

"When are you going to admit you have feelings for him?" Boom sighed.

"You better stop Aof from coming over. I don't need any unnecessary drama. What do you want me to admit, Phi Boom? Yes, I love him. It's because I love him, I don't want to tie him down. He should be free to date someone who isn't a burden to him." Dunk sighed.

"Dunk..." Boom can't stand the self-depreciating thoughts that Dunk has.

"Mei mi lai (it's okay), Phi Boom. I'll call Phi Win to see if he can house me for the time being. Hopefully Phi Bai is out of town." He closed the line at that.


It's because I love him, I don't want to tie him down. He should be free to date someone who isn't a burden to him

Those words echoed in Pond's mind. Pond couldn't believe his ears. Dunk admitted to loving him. He was too stunned to move. But when he heard Dunk calling Phi Win, telling him that he needed a place to stay, he had quickly snatched the phone over. He told him that there was some miscommunication between Dunk and him. He told him he was sorry to bother him before hanging up.

"why did you do that?!" Dunk was shocked at his actions. It was uncharacteristic of Pond.

Did he hear his entire conversation with Phi Boom?

"Why do you need a place to stay when you already have a place here?" Pond asked back.

"Loveru-" Pond crashed his lips against Dunk. Dunk's eyes widen in shock. But Dunk can't deny he was weak when it came to Pond, he had responded before pushing him away. He held onto his hands to stabilize himself.

"You don't need to do this, Pond. You don't owe me anything. Loverukk is a nice girl, just right for you." Dunk closed his eyes while speaking. He didn't want to see Pond's reaction. He didn't need his best friend to feel sorry for him. Pond cupped his face in his hand and went in for a soft long kiss.

"Gu rak meung (I love you). I've loved you since the first day I met you. I just didn't know until recently. I'm not going to let you leave me. You're not going anywhere. Stay with me? Let's be more than friends. Bpen faen gan, dai mai (Can we be boyfriends)?" Pond proceeded to hug him tightly. Dunk absorbed the warmth of being in his embrace. He couldn't deny it anymore.

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