EP 7: when realization hit

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Dunk felt that Pond was acting a little weird lately but he didn't have a chance to ask Pond. He would skilfully avoid his question. Pond doesn't deny in his head that he was avoiding Dunk. He didn't know how to react to the realization that he had fallen in love with Dunk. He had never labelled that feeling as love up until now. He couldn't deny it anymore and he doesn't know how Dunk would react if he knew. He had tried to act as normal and as nonchalant as possible but Dunk does suspect something. The only time that he felt most as ease with Dunk was when he was asleep in his arms, feeling his breath on his neck. He may be the hugger at first but Dunk would to lean into his embrace at times. Sometimes Pond would instinctively kiss the crown of Dunk's head. He sighed wondering what to do with his growing attraction towards his best friend.


Pond didn't really pay attention to Loverruk. He didn't know what he agreed to. He was still deliberating around his new found realization. He looked towards Phi Force who frowned at him. Force had pulled him aside. Book had just arrived to where they were.

"Did you realized you just agreed to go for the faculty dinner with Love?!" Phi Forced shouted. Pond shook his head.

"what's wrong with you? You've been distracted these few days." Phi Book nodded in agreement.

"I don't know where to begin." Pond sighed. Force and Book waited for Pond patiently.

"I think... I think I'm in love with Dunk." The both of them laughed to which Pond was confused.

"Finally... finally!!" Book hugged Force.

"After three years, he finally realizes." Force high fived Book.

"You knew?" Pond looked at them confusingly.

"You were so obvious since you first met him." Force said smugly.

"But I don't know what to do now... I don't want to lose my friendship with Dunk... He may not even like me that way." Book sighed. He held his shoulder, forcing Pond to look him square in the eyes.

"If he didn't love you, he wouldn't have sacrifice himself in that car crash. He wouldn't have lost his football career for you. Think carefully. If you really want him to be with you, you better act fast before someone gets him before you. And you better settle the issue with Loverruk. You wouldn't want Dunk to get the wrong idea."

But it was a little too late. The whole faculty knew that he was going to the faculty dinner with Loverruk. Dunk had congratulated him on scoring a date with the faculty queen. Pond was at a lost on how to approach Dunk with this issue at hand.

It was awkward during the faculty dinner with Loverruk in his arms. Dunk was seen with Dew, one of Phi Win's best friend as well as Dunk's former football teammate. 

He may be harmless compared to Thor but he knew that he was interested in Dunk

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He may be harmless compared to Thor but he knew that he was interested in Dunk. He had seen the look he gives Dunk during practice but had never commented on it then. He had been uncomfortable with it then but now he was sure that feeling was actually jealousy. Pond couldn't help the tinge of jealousy from growing further within him. He couldn't blame anyone but himself for the current situation. His eyes were tracking Dunk's every move instead of focusing on his current partner. Dunk had looked stunning tonight. Something about him wearing contact lens that made Pond's heart skip a beat. When Dunk laughed at something Dew said, his mood darkened further. He just wanted to whisk Dunk away before Dew asked him to be his faen. When Dunk's knee buckled during the dance, he rushed towards him. He pushed Dew away, assuring him that he will take care of Dunk. He had carried Dunk in his arms, heading towards the car. He strapped him in and drove them back to the apartment. Dunk apologized for spoiling his date.

"You actually saved me from it. I prefer being home watching anime with you." Dunk pushed his shoulder playfully. They were back to their usual banter. Pond was glad.

Book was right, he can't wait any longer.    

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 


A/N: I was kinda contemplating on whether to update this series since it's been a rather busy day... I had just updated the Ties that Binds Us but I had promised to update on saturday. so, I managed to squeeze 1 EP out today. I'll update the rest tomorrow. This series should be ending by then. It is a short series after all. Hope you enjoy. 😊😊

on a side note, I realize I don't really know much about the female actresses in GMMTV, I have no idea which actress Pond is close with. I just randomly picked a name.

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